7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2565 ขอแสดงความยินดีกับผู้เข้าอบรมพิการที่สำเร็จการศึกษาในโครงการฝึกงานภาคปฏิบัติในโครงการ APCD 60+ พลัส (โครงการธุรกิจที่คนพิการมีส่วนร่วม)การฝึกอบรมทักษะอาชีวศึกษาด้านธุรกิจการบริการ ณ โรงแรมเซ็นทรา บายเซ็นทารา แจ้งวัฒนะ ประจำปี 2565
7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

ซึ่งถือเป็นความสำเร็จ ความร่วมมือระหว่างโครงการประชารัฐ ระหว่างศูนย์พัฒนาและฝึกอบรมคนพิการแห่งเอเชียแปซิฟิก กลุ่มเซ็นทรัล และกรมส่งเสริมและพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตคนพิการ (พก) สังกัดกระทรวงการพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงของมนุษย์ รัฐบาลไทย คุณสุพัตรา จิราธิวัฒน์ รองกรรมการผู้จัดการใหญ่ สำนักนโยบายองค์กรสัมพันธ์และภาพลักษณ์ บริษัท กลุ่มเซ็นทรัล จำกัดมอบประกาศนียบัตรการผ่านงานภาคปฏิบัติให้กับผู้เข้าอบรม


7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.

7 September 2022, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022.