The Asia-Pacific Federation of the Hard of Hearing and Deafened (APFHD)
APCD is the Secretariat of The Asia-Pacific Federation of the Hard of Hearing and Deafened (APFHD) since 2012. The Asia-Pacific Federation of the Hard of Hearing and Deafened (APFHD) is a regional network of formal and non-formal organizations of hard of hearing and deafened people in Asia and Pacific (AP) region.
APFHD provides a platform to unite voices of millions of people who are hard of hearing and deafened, raise awareness and protect their rights in Asia and Pacific region.
APFHD founded on March 2, 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand by a group of representatives who are hard of hearing and deafened from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Papua new guinea, and Vietnam.
An inclusive society where rights and interest of persons who are hard of hearing and deafened in Asia-Pacific are ensured.
To serve as the independent network for issues relating to hard of hearing and deafened in the Asia-Pacific region.
- Empower persons who are hard of hearing and deafened in the Asia-Pacific region for their independent life with confidence;
- Support a formation and development of local self-help groups (SHGs) and self-help organizations (SHOs) in line with the vision and mission of APFHD;
- Facilitate and promote sub-regional and regional cooperation, and exchangeinformation and knowledge among members of APFHD for effective networking locally and regionally;
- Collaborate with grassroots disabled People’s organizations (DPOs) and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local and national governments,regional and international organizations, the United nations agencies and other stakeholders to mainstream hard of hearing and deafened perspectives in the movement on disability and development;
- Facilitate scientific data collection on persons who are hard of hearing and deafened in Asia and the Pacific;
- Assist technology development, including assistive technologies, accessible information and communication technologies; and
- Promote accessible environment for persons who are hard of hearing and deafened at educational institutions and workplaces in the Asia-Pacific region.
In 2019, as part of an active movement by each country member, the Executive Committee of APFHD took a survey for ‘World Hearing Day (WHD) 2019’. The survey will be used by APFHD in making a report on the awareness on hearing loss, ear and hearing care for all in Asia Pacific and will be shared with the World Health Organization for their WHD 2019 report. This will become a basis forcollecting data related to persons who are hard of hearing and deafened. APFHD is also collaborating with private companies that will be developing a new application called real-time.