APCD, JICA and DET Forum implemented the 5th online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator training course participants which is a completion of the training course on 2 August, 2024.
A group screenshot of completed course participants and tutors from Asia and Pacific region and beyond.

A group screenshot of completed course participants and tutors from Asia and Pacific region and beyond.


Dr. Kenji Kuno, APCD disability and development advisor and JICA senior advisor, explained on how to become senior facilitator and tutors for DET FT.

Dr. Kenji Kuno, APCD disability and development advisor and JICA senior advisor, explained on how to become senior facilitator and tutors for DET FT.


Dr. Kenji together with DET Tutors reviewed and shared what to be developed and improve for future facilitation of senior facilitator and Tutor for DET FT after the session.

Dr. Kenji together with DET Tutors reviewed and shared what to be developed and improve for future facilitation of senior facilitator and Tutor for DET FT after the session.

