APCD hosted an in-house training session on the disability welfare system in Australia on 16 July 2021.
Ms. Kristy Sinclair-Lombardo, an intern from Bachelor of Community Services, "TAFE NSW DIGITAL" delivered the online session.

Ms. Kristy Sinclair-Lombardo, an intern from Bachelor of Community Services, "TAFE NSW DIGITAL" delivered the online session.


2.	The session exchanged about information on disability allowances, benefits, and some information on disability employment.

The session exchanged about information on disability allowances, benefits, and some information on disability employment.


Discussions on advantage and disadvantage of disability ID cards in Thailand and Australia.

Discussions on advantage and disadvantage of disability ID cards in Thailand and Australia.


4.	Ms. Siriporn Praserdchat, Logistic Officer, concluded the workshop by taking questions and answers from participants and collecting feedback.

Ms. Siriporn Praserdchat, Logistic Officer, concluded the workshop by taking questions and answers from participants and collecting feedback.
