Domestic Training

APCD collaborates with various Thai stakeholders including Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP), national disabled people organizations, government organizations at local and national levels as well as non-government organizations in order to promote disability and inclusive development in Thailand via training activities.

APCD trains Thai persons with disabilities to be potential human resources for Disability Inclusive Business (DIB) via 60+ Plus Projects in aspect of bakery, chocolate making, and hotel services. APCD also has been invited to be resource persons of DEP for Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) trainings during February-March 2020 (3 day-training courses). The total target participants are 300 persons (100 participants per one time) who were social development and security officers, leaders of persons with disabilities and community leaders in different provinces around Thailand. APCD is invited to be resource persons for domestic training of Thai stakeholders.