July 2024

  • 3 July, APCD collaborated with Smuthkochorn TV program and Thai Government to promote Disability Inclusion. Flag Thailand  
  • 4 July, APCD and Centara Life Hotel celebrated graduation of Trainees with Disabilities. Flag Thailand
  • 4 July, APCD and Stock Exchange of Thailand explored collaborative opportunities. Flag Thailand  
  • 5 July, APCD celebrated graduation of vocational skills training program for Persons with Disabilities. Flag Thailand
  • 5 July, APCD held a successful online open learning course on "Disability Inclusive Sports (DIS) 2024"  Flag Thailand Singapore Flag Myanmar Flag Vietnam Flag Bangladesh Flag Japan Flag India Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Pakistan Flag Philippines flag United Kingdom                         
  • 8 – 12 July, APCD staff attended an international course on "Global Social Work and Social Welfare Course” organized by ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social Welfare (ATCSW) at Berkeley Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Asean Flag Thailand Flag UN flag United Kingdom Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Singapore flag Brunei Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Myanmar Flag Vietnam
  • 11 July, APCD conducted Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) training at the Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf. Flag Thailand Flag Japan  
  • 11 July, SCG Foundation and THANN-CRYZA Co., Ltd. supported APCD 60+ Bakery & Cafe Project Flag Thailand
  • 15 July, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA. Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 17 July, APCD facilitators conducted Disability Equality Training (DET), a part of an innovative communication session organized by the Thailand Council for Independent Living (TCIL) to empower young Thai leaders with disabilities. Flag Thailand
  • 18 July, APCD in collaboration with Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) conducted the online focus group discussion of CRPD Monitoring data collection tools at DEP, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag UN
  • 24 July, APCD conducted an in-house training on Disability Inclusion in China by an on-site intern student and completed the final presentation, Bangkok. Flag Thailand China
  • 25 July, APCD staff attended the Workshop on “Identifying Lesson Learned of Welfare and Rights for Thai PWDs who live overseas” organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) at APCD Training Building.  Flag Thailand 
  • 26 July, The Dhulabhatorn Foundation visited APCD  Flag Thailand 
  • 31 July, Pre-Visit of bread-making workshop for the spouses of military attachés from the Royal Thai Army's Intelligence Directorate. Flag Thailand  

June 2024

  • 2-6 June, APCD Participated as a Resource Person for UN ESCAP Launching of Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) E-Learning Tool, Manila, PhilippinesFlag UN Flag Philippines Flag Thailand 
  • 4 June, APCD conducted “Disability & Development (D&D)” Online Open Learning Course in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Asean China Flag Indonesia Flag Italy Flag Malaysia Flag Uzbekistan Flag Yemen        
  • 7 June, APCD speakers at TICA Talks, Government Complex, Bangkok. Flag Thailand
  • 12 June, APCD self-advocate with autism was invited to be interviewed in the film “Disability Friendly T.V. Program: Wheel Journey” TV and Online Program, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 14 June, APCD and JICA implemented the 4th Online Schooling for DET-FT 2024 Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Malaysia Flag of Bhutan China Papua new guinea Taiwan Singapore Haiti south africa flag
  • 17 June, APCD conducted “Disability & Development (D&D)” Online Advance Learning Course in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ) Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Asean China Flag Indonesia Flag Italy Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Yemen                       
  • 18 June, APCD collaborated with Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) to conduct an online validation meeting on CRPD Monitoring data tools of Thailand at DEP Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 20 June, APCD conducted “Disability & Development (D&D)” Online Advance Learning Course in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 
    Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Asean China Flag Indonesia Flag Italy Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Yemen 
  • 20 June, APCD self-advocate with autism was invited to speak at “BKK EXPO 2024: Bangkok Exhibition 2024” under the theme “Cities Can Change by You”, Benjakitti Forest Park Museum, Bangkok.) Flag Thailand
  • 24 and 27 June, APCD conducted last module of “Disability & Development (D&D)” Advance Training Course in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Asean China Flag Indonesia Flag Italy Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Yemen                 
  • 24-28 June, APCD and Association for the Mentally ILL of Thailand (AMIT) participated the Launch of UN ESCAP Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction E-Learning Tool in Kathmandu, Nepal Flag UN Nepal Flag Flag Thai
  • 28 June, Japanese Ambassador Showcased Inclusive Development Project to Thai Prime Minister at the THACCA SPLASH: Soft Power Forum 2024. Flag Thailand Flag Japan 

May 2024

  • 9 May, APCD and DEP conducted a follow up meeting on CRPD Monitoring data tools of Thailand at APCD. Flag Thailand
  • 13 May, Rhodes College students visited APCD.  Flag Thailand Flag US
  • 13 - 14 May, APCD facilitated Singapore Management University (SMU) and Mahidol University (MU) for on-site study visits in Nakhon Pathom province and APCD. Singapore Flag Thailand
  • 15 May, APCD honored to serve as a resource person for the Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) session, organized by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) at Pullman Hotel, in Bangkok.  Flag Thailand
  • 17 May, APCD and JICA implemented the 3rd online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator.Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Malaysia Flag of Bhutan China Papua new guinea Taiwan Singapore Haiti south africa flag Tunisia 
  • 23 May, Community Development Officer from APCD was invited by Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRC) at TK. Palace Hotel & Convention, Nonthaburi. Flag Thailand
  • 23 May, The delegation from JICA visited APCD to strengthen the partnership to advance Disability-Inclusive Development, at APCD, Bangkok. Flag Thailand
  • 28 May, Jeju Association of Persons with Physical Disability, South Korea  visited to APCD. Flag Thailand Flag of Korea 
  • 30 May, APCD attended panel discussion on “Centring Caregivers in Supporting Inclusive Employment” Organized by Steps Community (STEPS), in Bangkok. Flag Thailand
  • 30 May, The 3rd Key Stakeholders' Meeting on the APCD-JICA Collaboration Program convened at APCD, Bangkok. Flag Thailand Flag Japan   Flag UN     
  • 31 May, APCD Executive Director, paid a courtesy call to Mr. Wattanawit Gajaseni, TICA Director-General Flag Thailand

April 2024

  • 1 April, Japanese Students visited APCD for learning the situation of people with disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region as a part of study tour conducted by NOGEZAKA GLOCAL  Flag Japan  Flag Thailand
  • 2 April, APCD as co-resource person at the Workshop on Review and Monitoring of Enabling Masterplan 2025, online workshop at Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) Flag Thailand  
  • 4 April, Launching of the ESCAP/ DEP/ APCD Partnership Project on “Monitoring of CRPD Implementation in Thailand” at APCD Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 5 April, APCD shared Keynote speech and attended TCI Multistakeholder towards promoting full participation of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities on 5 April 2024, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand switzerland Flag India Flag Pakistan 
  • 10 April, Hybrid Consultation Workshop of ESCAP/ DEP/ APCD Partnership Project on “Monitoring of CRPD Implementation in Thailand” at APCD.  Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 19 April, APCD and JICA implemented the 2nd online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitat
  • 19-21 April, APCD joined the DEP workshop on "Review of laws, regulations, and criteria to utilize funds for empowerment and development of persons with disabilities", at the Eco Cozy Front Beach Hotel Cha-am Phetchaburi Province, Thailand.  Flag Thailand
  • 23 April, APCD and DEP conducted a follow up meeting on ESCAP/ DEP/ APCD Partnership Project on “Monitoring of CRPD Implementation in Thailand” at APCD.  Flag Thailand Flag UN   
  • 28 April, APCD participated in the fundraising activity hosted by The Marigold group (group of self-advocate of persons with intellectual disability) in Bangkok.  Flag Thailand  

March 2024

  • 1 March, APCD and JICA implemented the first online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator
    Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Malaysia Flag Bangladesh Flag of Bhutan China Papua new guinea Taiwan Singapore Haiti south africa flag Tunisia
  • 5 March, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Thailand Office facilitated Oversea National Officers from ASEAN countries visited APCD  Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 6 – 8 March, Orientation of Skills Development for People with Disabilities towards Employment in the Food and Service Industry Project 2024' by APCD and the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP)  Flag Thailand  
  • 7 March, The APCD intern delivered his completion of internship presentation  Flag Thailand
  • 7 March, APCD Welcomed the representatives of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) for learning on Inclusive Workplace of Persons with Disabilities Flag Thailand
  • 8 – 10 March, APCD participated in the 2nd Leaders' Training on Inclusive Cities organized by Transportation for All (T4A), Bangkok  Flag Thailand
  • 9 – 16 March, APCD hosted on-site study visits for Mongolian Parent Groups of Children with Disabilities/ Association of Parents with Differently-Abled Children (APDC) to Thailand  Flag Thailand Mongolian Flag UN 
  • 11 March – 3 July, On-the-job training of Skills Development for People with Disabilities towards Employment in the Food and Service Industry Project 2024' organized by the APCD and the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP)   Flag Thailand
  • 14 March, APCD provided a class lecture on “the Program Management for Social Development” at Thammasat University (TU)  Flag Thailand
  • 15 March, Medical Residents from the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, visited APCD, Bangkok, Thailand   Flag Thailand 
  • 15 March, Delegates from the National Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (NIDIR) in Cambodia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand visited APCD )   Flag Thailand Combodia
  • 18 March, APCD Welcomed the group of welfare corporation from Saitama prefecture in Japan to seeking future cooperation 
    Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 18 March, APCD self-advocate with autism was invited to film at Disability Friendly T.V. Program: “Pen-Gun-Aeng & Oh I See” TV and Online Program, Bangkok, Thailand.  Flag Thailand
  • 20 March, The Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) of APCD was invited to speak at the “Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop for All” by online platform organized by JICA Kansai and the Osaka International House Foundation Flag Japan Flag Thailand
  • 21 March, APCD provided a special lecture titled “Disability Inclusion and Business” at Thammasat University (TU) 
    Flag Thailand
  • 23 March, APCD, Community Development Officer was invited to discuss Freedom or Privilege in the forum “Do People with Autism Have Rights?” by Thisble.me   Flag Thailand
  • 26 March, Delegation from Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the Ministry of Culture and Tourism visited APCD  Flag Thailand Turkey
  • 26 March, Meeting with Representatives of UNDP at APCD Flag Thailand Flag UN     
  • 28 March, Students of Social Policy & Development Programme, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasart University visited APCD  Flag Thailand

February 2024

  • 1 February, APCD representative was interviewed by a Japanese journalist about disability and development  Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 6 February, Thai-Japanese Association School students and teachers embraced inclusive baking workshop at APCD Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 7 February, APCD Executive Director met with Director General of Department of Empowerment of Persons with DisabilitiesFlag Thailand
  • 12 February, Waseda University's Prof. Kazuo Kuroda visited APCD  Flag Thailand
  • 14 February, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched Disability-Inclusive Cafe to advance equal rights and employment for Persons with Disabilities Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 16 February, APCD hosted an in-house training on Disability Statistics: Disability Disaggregated Data, at the APCD office.Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 21 February, Visitors from TOYO University visited APCD to learn the regional activities for disability inclusion, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 22 February, APCD conducted the first online course on Inclusive Employment: supported employment, and job coach through online platform Flag ThailandFlag Japan Flag Bangladesh Flag of Bhutan  Cambodia Flag of Fiji  Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines sudan Vietnam Ethiopia Uganda
  • 23 February, APCD, Community Development Officer was invited as the speaker at the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University Flag Thailand
  • 26 February – 1 March, APCD facilitated the Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) Korea visited Thailand to meet with key stakeholders to implement the Jakarta Declaration, in Bangkok and Nonthaburi Province, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag of Korea 
  • 28 February, Representatives from the JICA Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) and the Young Leader Program “Support for Persons with Disabilities 2023” gathered at APCD Flag Thailand Flag Japan  

January 2024

  • 9 January, The University of Delaware collaborated with Burapha University visited APCD  Flag Thailand Flag US
  • 15 – 26 January, Third Country Training Program on Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Training Course Theme 3 Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 18 January, Thai-Japanese Association School Students learned about  ODA and APCD Implementation for Inclusive Societies at APCD Flag Thailand Flag Japan   

December 2023

  • 1 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit participated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and the Ministry of Social Development of Human Security  Flag Thailand  
  • 4 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit warmly welcomed distinguished guests from the Japanese Embassy in Thailand and the Japan International Cooperation Agency Thailand  Flag Thailand Flag Japan  
  • 4-5 December, APCD participated and shared inputs to the 2023 The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Regional Consultation on Midterm Review and Progress of ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025, Bangkok  Flag Thailand
  • 7 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit welcomed the delegation led by Ms. Julia Feeney, the Deputy Head of Mission, a collaborative effort between the APCD and the Australian Embassy Flag Thailand Australia Flag
  • 7 December, APCD speakers shared insights through In-House Webinar on disability inclusion in the workplace with UNOPS colleagues 
    Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 7-8 December, APCD as expert, participated at Regional Foresight Workshop – Asia / Pacific, organized by United Nations Environment Programme and Stockholm Environment Institute, Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand
  • 8 December, Dr. Tej Bunnag, the president of the APCD Foundation, and Mr. Piroon Laismit, the executive director of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), took center stage at the prestigious "Thailand Friendly Design Expo"  Flag Thailand
  • 13 December, APCD paid the role as resource persons on Disability-Inclusive Workplace at “WFP Regional HR Workshop 2023” organized by World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand

November 2023

  • 18 October & 1 November, APCD Community Development Team provided lectures at the Social Policy Development Programme, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University Flag Thailand
  • 1 November, Dohiru TV Program interviewed with Mr. SUZUKI Kazuya, the Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Thailand Office Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 8-9 November, APCD participated in the ad-hoc session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, UNCC Building, Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand           
  • 8-11 November, APCD visited Chiang Rai Province for survey of upcoming Third Country Training Program Course 3 and joined the workshop on disaster risk reduction (DRR) organized by Good Neighbor Thailand Foundation  Flag Thailand
  • 13 November, APCD shared experiences on lesson learned regarding coping with COVID-19 at ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development via online Platform  Flag Asean Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand      
  • 15 November, Singapore Management University visited APCD for further collaboration on Internship Program in Thailand, Bangkok Flag Thai 
  • 16 November, The Second Key Stakeholders' Meeting to Enhance Disability Inclusive Development in the Asia-Pacific Region at the APCD Administration Building Flag Thailand Flag Japan Flag UN      
  • 17 November, APCD joined the cerebration of International Volunteer Day 2023 organized by the United Nations Volunteers Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNV) at APCD Training Center Flag UN Flag Thailand      
  • 23 November, APCD had the privilege of participating in the highly esteemed second workshop on Smart Cities for All: Promoting Inclusivity and Sustainability organized by Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior, Digital Economy Promotion Agency and Japan International Cooperation Agency at Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag Japan      
  • 24 November, APCD participated in the celebration of International Volunteer Day 2023, organized by UNV Asia & Pacific at the United Nations Conference Centre Bangkok Flag Thailand Flag UN     
  • 26 November – 9 December, APCD attended the Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Young Leaders on "Support for Persons with Disabilities” organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Flag Thailand Flag Japan  
  • 27 November – 1 December, APCD Takes Center Stage at 16th Disabled People International Korea Assembly and Asia-Pacific Conference in Seoul Flag of Korea Flag Thai  
  • 30 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), extended welcome to Mr. NAKAZAWA Keiichiro, the Special Assistant to the President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Flag Thailand Flag Japan      

October 2023

  • 6 October, The "Doohairoo" TV Program broadcasting on Thai PBS filmed APCD to promote the APCD 60+ Plus projects (Disability-Inclusive Business- DIB) at the APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Café. Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 8 October, APCD resource persons at “Social Diversity and Participation of Vulnerable Groups” organized by the Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand Flag Thailand
  • 10 October, The Suphanburi Autistic School visited APCD  Flag Thailand 
  • 11 October, The Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol University visited APCD Flag Thailand
  • 18 October, The St. Catherine University, a partner of World Endeavors Thailand Office visited APCD to seek internship program cooperation, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag US
  • 18 October, APCD Session on Importance of Time Management for First Year Student of Social Policy and Development Student, Thammasat University Flag Thailand

September 2023

  • 1 September, UN Volunteer office team visited APCD to discuss collaboration for International Volunteer Day 2023, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 3-4 September, APCD participated in the Special Lectures and Workshop on Ethics of Care, Interdependence, Diversity, and Disability Justice organized by the Japan Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand Flag Japan Flag Thailand    
  • 4 September, Students and Faculty from Nagoya Gakuin University visited APCD Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 5 September, Japanese Visitors Group facilitated by Nogezaka Glocal visited APCD Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 7-8 September, APCD supported the Dulabatorn Foundation for review the strategy and action plan, in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand Flag Thailand
  • 9 September, APCD and JICA in cooperation with DET Forum Concluded 5th DET Facilitator Training Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 11-13 September, Thai delegation joined Seoul international park golf tournament for people with disabilities organized by the Korea Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities (KAPPD), Seoul, South of Korea Flag of Korea Flag Thai    
  • 15 September, APCD Autistic Advocated as Keynote Speech at 13th  Annual Bangkok ServICE Conference organized by NIST International School Flag Thai   
  • 19 September, APCD received a Japanese Volunteer at TICA-JICA handover ceremony for promoting and strengthening Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) at TICA, Government Complex, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 21 September, APCD visited Steps Community to seek the potential future collaboration and partnership project at Steps community Center, Bangkok. Flag Thailand   
  • 26 September, APCD joined the Voices from People with Disabilities in Bangkok event at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand  
  • 27 September, the “Aroi Lert Kub Khun Reed” TV program visited APCD and interviewed Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) about the APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP project (Disability-Inclusive Business-DIB)  Flag Thailand  
  • 27 September, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Korea visited APCD for potential collaboration, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thai Flag of Korea
  • 28 September, Visitors from the Abilis Foundation learned APCD regional activities as a part of their regional seminar program, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thai Finland Flag Flag Myanmar Nepal Flag  Tajikistan Flag Flag Vietnam

August 2023

  • 5 August, APCD and JICA in cooperation with DET Forum organized the 4th online schooling for Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator training 2023 Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 6-12 August, APCD mission to the South Korea for the Busan World Disability Conference 2023 organized by Disabled Peoples International (DPI)-Korea, Busan, South Korea Flag of Korea Flag Thai
  • 8 August, Japanese High School students and JICA Thailand office staff visited APCD Flag Japan Flag Thailand  
  • 11 August, APCD Session on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) for ALL at 16th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe 2023) on 11 August 2023, Thailand Science Park Flag Thailand
  • 17-18 August, APCD participated the Workshop “Review on Implementation of ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025” organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP)  Flag Thailand
  • 18 August, A crucial consultation meeting between APCD and Japan Foundation for future collaboration on disability inclusive development in Bangkok  Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 21 August, APCD in-house training: Practicing disability equality training conducted by APCD staff to promote DET facilitator training in 2023 at APCD.  Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 21 August, Consultation meeting on DIDRR animation producing process collaboration with the Distance Learning Foundation under the Royal Pathronge, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 23 August, Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne, Interviewed APCD Staff for Inclusive Disability Development flag of Australia Flag Thailand
  • 24 August, APCD's Exhibition on Inclusive Society showed at 8th TICA Connect Event   Flag Thailand
  • 24 August, APCD participated as one speaker at International Seminar on Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and Pacific Flag Japan Flag Thailand  
  • 26 August, APCD attended and presented in the 10th Anniversary Event of Vietnam Autism Network (VAN), Hanoi, Vietnam. Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand Flag Indonesia Flag Japan Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines
  • 28 August, APCD participated in the 1st Meeting in 2023 of the Sub-Committee on the Promotion and Support of the Implementation of the CRPD organized by DEP via ZOOM Cloud Meeting   Flag Thailand
  • 28 August, APCD attended the meeting between ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) at Vie Hotel Bangkok   Flag Thailand
  • 29 August, APCD participated in an interview session on the Evaluation of Japan's ODA to the Kingdom of Thailand at the APCD Administration Office. Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 31 August, APCD resource persons delivered a lecture on disability inclusion disaster risk reduction to teachers at Suphanburi Province, Thailand   Flag Thailand

July 2023

  • 3 July, representatives from the APCD, namely Ms. Nongnuch Maytarjittipun, the Information and Knowledge Management Manager, and Mr. Kenji Kuno, Senior Advisor of JICA, visited to the Thai Public Broadcasting Service (Thai PBS)  Flag Thailand    
  • 7 July, Ms. Elizabeth Johns, an American Intern presented at in-house training and final presentation  Flag Thailand Flag US     
  • 10 – 21 July, Third Country Training Program on Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Course 2 in cooperation with TICA and JICA . Flag Thailand Flag Japan Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR  Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag UN flag of Australia                 
  • 15 July, APCD and JICA collaborated with DET Forum conducted the third online schooling for DET facilitator training 2023 Flag Japan Flag Thailand     
  • 17 July, Mr. Krisana Lalai, the host of the "Krisana Tour: Wheels Up" program, had the opportunity to meet and interview Dr. Tej Bunnag at APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Yamazaki, located in the Thai Red Cross Society.Flag Thailand 
  • 19 July, the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) organized a comprehensive training program titled "Understanding Customers and Colleagues with Disabilities" at the Centra by Centara Government Complex Hotel.Flag Thailand 
  • 21 July, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand Flag Thailand

June 2023

  • 2 June, APCD Staff In-House Training Session Flag Thailand
  • 2 June, APCD presentation at Inclusion International Webinar  flag icon Flag Thailand 
  • 6 June, Visit to the APCD by the Faculty of Public Administration and Law of Burapha University Flag Thailand  
  • 13 June, APCD In-house Training on Disabled People's Situation in China. The session was conducted by APCD Intern, Ms. Kaki Feng Flag china Flag Thailand    
  • 24 June, APCD and JICA conducted the second online schooling for Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator training 2023 Flag Japan Flag Thailand      
  • 27 June, Completion of APCD Internship Program Flag Thailand Flag Japan   
  • 28 – 30 June, Training on Strengthening Self-Help Group of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN+3 Countries conducted by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in collaboration with APCD via zoom and on site in Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand  
  • 29 June, Dr. Tej Bunnag, the Secretary-General of the Thai Red Cross Society and President of the Foundation of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) presided over for opening ceremony at APCD 60+ Plus Café by YAMAZAKI, Thai Redcross branch  Flag Thailand Flag Japan   

May 2023

  • 3 May, APCD Organizes Disability Equality Training (DET) for young Thai leaders with disabilities and their personal assistants (PA) from Thailand Council for Independent Living (TIL), Nonthaburi, Thailand  Flag Thailand 
    8 May, Meeting for Seeking Future Collaboration with Steps Community at Steps Café, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand 
  • 13 May, APCD and JICA collaborate to launch the first online schooling for Disability Equality Training (DET) Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 18 May, Another collaboration between APCD and Thailand Council for Independent Living (TIL) on Disability Equality Training (DET) for second group of the Thai network on
  • 18 May 2023, Nonthaburi, Thailand Flag Thailand 
  • 19 May, APCD supported the Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities (DEP) to analyze the accomplishment of the ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025 on 19 May 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.  Flag Thailand  
  • 21 May, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director welcomed Mr. Tsewang C. Dorji, the acting Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) of the Royal Government of Bhutan Flag Thailand Flag of Bhutan  
  • 23 May, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2023  Flag Thailand 
  • 25 May, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in Food Business project (Disability-Inclusive Business- DIB) of the year 2023. Flag Thailand
  • 26 May, APCD and JICA conducted key development partners to discuss ways to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities in Asia-Pacific countries on May 26, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag Japan Flag UN    
  • 29 May, APCD Presentation on Neuro Diversity at NIST International School JEDI Session, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 30 May, DVIFA school visitation and tour of APCD Flag Thailand

April 2023

  • 3 April, Peace Corps Thailand celebrated 60 years of international cooperation and welcomed new volunteers at Songphanburi Hotel, Suphanburi Province, Thailand. Flag US Flag Thailand  
  • 3 April, Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director gave an opening speech for 2-month on-the-job training for APCD interns with disability at the Centra by Centara Government Complex Hotel & Convention Centre Chaeng Watthana. Flag Thailand
  • 4 April, Mahidol University's Faculty of physical therapy visited APCD to learn about community-based inclusive development practices on 4th April 2023, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 5 April, The Final presentation and Certificate ceremony for the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Internship programme 2023. Flag Thailand
  • 10 April, APCD and Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law (JSW Law) from Bhutan exchanged with Thammasat University on Disability Law in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag of Bhutan  
  • 17 April, Foreigner’s teacher, Thammasart University, Mr. Kevin Cook and his students learned about disability inclusive business from APCD. Flag Thailand
  • 19 April, Pacific Disability Forum visited APCD to learn about Regional Training and Collaboration Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag of Fiji 
  • 25 April, The JICA Headquarters team met with APCD representative, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 28 April, APCD conducted a final presentation for an online intern from China with a farewell. Flag Thailand Flag china

March 2023

  • 2 March, Visitation of freshy students from Srinakharinwirot University on learning disability awareness and disability inclusive development of APCD domestic and regional activities on 27 February and 2 March 2023 at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 3 March, Social Administration students from Thammasat University and Kasetsart University interning at the Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities dispatched to APCD for a half-day information and learning session. Flag Thailand
  • 8 March, DET Facilitator Training 2023 Online introduction Session. Flag Thailand Flag Japan Flag US
  • 13-18 March, APCD went to Cambodia to collaborate on the 5th Asia-Pacific Community-based Inclusive Development Congress (5th AP CBID Congress) in Phnom Penh. Cambodia Flag Thailand  
  • 14 March, APCD and JICA promoted Disability Equality Training (DET) at Pre-Congress for 5th CBID AP network Congress in Cambodia, at      Sokha Hotel in Phnom Penh. Flag Japan Cambodia Flag Thailand    
  • 15-16 March, APCD participated as panelist in UN Women Regional Dialogue on COVID-19 Recovery, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Japan Flag UN  Flag Asean Flag Bangladesh Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR  Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam 
  • 17 March, The Thai PBS Channel management team visited APCD. Flag Thailand  
  • 20 March, the Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and the National Broadcasting Service of Thailand-NBT supported APCD to show APCD 60+ Bakery & Café products which is an outcome of APCD Disability-Inclusive Business project. Flag Thailand   
  • 24 March, APCD supported the Global Symposium Honoring Social Work Month and World Social Work Day 2023 in Bangkok's Novotel Platinum Hotel. Flag Asean Flag Thailand    
  • 27 March, APCD attended a seminar on sharing lessons learned on the rights, welfares, and protection of Thai employees with disabilities in overseas countries organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities at Prince Palace Hotel, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 28 March, APCD organized Disability Equality Training (DET) session for leaders of Thailand Independent Living Center (TILC) at APCD Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 28 March, Mr. Chadchart Sittipunt, the Governor of Bangkok and the governor's team visited APCD to observe persons with disability capacity-building activities at APCD. Flag Thailand
  • 29 March, Nongthun Nitcharee Peneakchanasak, a young Thai person with disability and social media influencer visited APCD to promote and support APCD 60+Plus Bakery & Café and disability inclusion. Flag Thailand
  • 30 March, Diversity and inclusion in action: APCD speakers with disabilities and former Peace Corps volunteers exchanged experiences with US volunteers at Don Chedi District, Suphanburi Province. Flag Thailand Flag US

February 2023

  • 5-11 February, APCD held the First Course of the Third Country Training Program on "Strengthening Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in the ASEAN Region" in Bangkok and Pathum Thani, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag Japan Flag US Flag UN Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR  Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam
  • 7 February, Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) welcomed YBhg. Datin Catherina (the Spouse of the Ambassador of Malaysia). APCD showed her the Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) projects (APCD 60+Plus projects). Flag Thailand Flag Malaysia 
  • 9 February, The visitation of the spouse of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand and the spouse of Prime Minister of Malaysia at APCD. Flag Thailand Flag Malaysia   
  • 16 February, Associate Professor Naraporn Chan-o-cha, Vice-President of the Distance Learning Foundation under the Royal Patronage visited APCD for collaboration in distance learning. Flag of Thailand
  • 20 February, Dr. Srinivas Tata, Director of the Social Development Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) led his team, visited the APCD. Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 23 February, Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, the Director-General of the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) led TICA's Cooperation partners in Thailand visited the APCD. Flag of Thailand flag of Australia Flag of France Flag of germany Flag of Japan Flag of Korea Flag of USA      
  • 24 February, APCD in-house training on “Google Workspaces and Basic Zoom’s admin necessary tasks” at APCD office in Bangkok, Thailand. Flag of Thailand
  • 25 February, APCD had a online brief presentation at the Zero Project conference 2023. Flag of Thailand Flag of Austria
  • 27 February, Visitation of freshy students from Srinakharinwirot University learning disability awareness and disability inclusive development of APCD domestic and regional activities at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag of Thailand

January 2023

  • 11 January, ASEAN Training Center for Social Work and Social Welfare Visitation to APCD for future collaboration on 11 January 2023, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag of Thailand
  • 16 January, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director gave an interview with Saranrom Radio. Flag of Thailand   
  • 17 January, teachers and students from the program of Thailand DIST/ENTR Winter 2023 in collaboration with the Burapha University and the University of Delaware visited APCD. Flag of Thailand Flag of USA   
  • 20 January, The visitation of teachers and students from Thai Japanese Association School (TJAS) at APCD training Building, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag of Thailand Flag of Japan  
  • 25 January, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) joins hands the Foundation of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) to empower vocational skills of people with disabilities of the year 2023. Flag of Thailand

December 2022

  • 5-9 December, The APCD attended an international training course on "Empowering Persons with Disabilities Program" organized by the Singapore Cooperation Program, Singapore
  • 8 December, APCD co-organized a hybrid assembly to commemorate International Day of Persons with Disabilities at UN ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag UN Flag Thailand Australia Flag
  • 13 December, APCD shared Disability Inclusive Business (DIB) programs with KEAD - The Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Korea flag
  • 13 December, APCD attended online Interview of Architecture Students from Mapúa Institute of Technology at Laguna, Malayan College Laguna for their Undergraduate Thesis titled “Self-sustaining Shelter for Abandoned Children with Down Syndrome” Flag Thailand Flag Philippines
  • 15 December, Friendly Design Expo 2022 at BITEC Bangna  Flag Thailand
  • 16 December, H. E. Dr. Tej Bunnag, the Secretary-General of the Thai Red Cross Society and President of the Foundation of Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) presided over the Friendly Design Expo 2022 Flag Thailand
  • 16 December, Visit by the Senior Vice President of JICA Headquarters to APCD for an update on future collaboration on 16 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 23 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director paid a courtesy call on Mr. Anukul Peedkaew, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security to discussed future plans and collaborations. Flag Thailand

November 2022

  • 6-8 November, ASEAN Autism Network Handover Ceremony and In-person Executive Committee Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Flag Malaysia  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR  Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam Flag Pakistan
  • 8 November, the "Wanmai Variety" TV News Program broadcast on the Thai PBS Channel, visited the Hyatt Regency Sukhumvit and SAINT ETOILE, at Central Rama 9. Flag Thailand
  • 15 November, the "Wanmai Variety" TV News Program broadcast on the Thai PBS Channel, visited the Black Canyon (Esplanade branch). Flag Thailand
  • 15 November, APCD conducted APCD Executive Board meeting no. 3/2022, at 3rd floor, APCD Administrative Building.Flag Thailand     
  • 15-19 November, At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation – APEC, the APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by having a booth at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) Flag Thailand  
  • 24 November, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs media crews team led by Ms. Yajai Bunnag, followed up APCD as Thailand successfully hosted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in 2022 Flag Thailand  
  • 29 November-1 December, TICA, APCD and SWU organized a capacity-building trip for Maldivian delegates on inclusive education in Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, in partnership. Flag Thailand Maldives Flag

October 2022

  • 3 October, H.E. Mr. Tej Bunnag (APCD Foundation President) gave an interview to support the APCD 60+ Plus projects (Disability-Inclusive Business) implementation. Flag Thailand 
  • 5 October, News1 Channel, released on Channel 26 Thailand, filmed APCD to support and promote the APCD 60+ Plus projects (Disability-Inclusive Business- DIB) at the APCD 60+ plus Bakery & Café at the Government House Flag Thailand 
  • 7 October, “Thailand Today” TV program for interviewing Mr. Sammy Carolus General Manager of Hyatt Sukhumvit and his team in providing Sustainable Job Opportunities for APCD ex-trainees with disabilities. Flag Thailand
  • 14-20 October, The JICA Follow-up Program for KCCP “Promotion of Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities through Sports (A),” organized by JICA Tohoku Center, APCD Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Japan Flag Lao Flag Malaysia Flag Thailand Flag US Flag Uzbekistan
  • 16-22 October, APCD Mission to Jakarta, Indonesia for High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Final Review of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022  Flag UN Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand       
  • 25 October, Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) Executive Director, Mr. Piroon Laismit joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Launch as APEC Communication Partners Flag Thailand

September 2022

  • 1 September, Recorded on 60+ Plus Project Documentary with trainees of year 2022 at Centra by Centara Cheang Wattana Bangkok Flag Thailand 
  • 2 September, APCD started the media project of sustainable Disability-Inclusive sustainable employment documentary focusing on ex-trainee with an invisible disability employed by the Black Canyon (Thailand) Co., Ltd Flag Thailand 
  • 4 September, The Dao Ruang (Marigold) Group went on a field trip to Pattaya, Chonburi Province Flag Thailand 
  • 5 September, APCD started the media project of sustainable Disability-Inclusive sustainable employment documentary focusing on ex-trainee with disability employing at the Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit, Bangkok. Flag Thailand  
  • 5 September, APCD’s introduction of recreation, and sports for children with disabilities was hosted by the Foundation of Children with Disabilities Flag Thailand 
  • 6 – 8 September 2022, APCD participated on the Seventh Session of the Committee on Social Development of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), UN Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 7 September, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the internship program of APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in the Hospitality business project at the Centra by Centara Hotel Chaeng Watthana of the year 2022. Flag Thailand  
  • 9 September, Congratulations to trainees with disabilities who graduated in the APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills training in Food Business project (Disability-Inclusive Business- DIB) of the year 2022.Flag Thailand  
  • 12–14 September, APCD displayed South to South Cooperation for Inclusive Society cases at the UN Conference Center for Global South-South Development Expo 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 15 September, Empowerment and Vocational Development Center for Persons with Disabilities in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province team visited APCD office and had a study visit on Knowledge exchange in good practice of Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) Flag Thailand 
  • 16 September, Congratulations to the APCD newly graduated trainees with disabilities of the APCD 60+Plus project (Vocational skills training for persons with disability on Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB)) Flag Thailand 
  • 19 September, APCD Good practices Documentary of the 60+ Plus vocational skills training for persons with disabilities employability project (Disability-Inclusive Business- DIB) Flag Thailand  
  • 20 September, The Saowabha Vocational College together with its students with disabilities and their parents visited APCD Flag Thailand  
  • 22 September, the “Thailand Today” TV program visited APCD and interviewed Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) about the APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Café project (Disability-Inclusive Business-DIB). Flag Thailand  
  • 22 September, Disability Equality Training (DET) Presentation at the RBB Human Resource (HR) Retreat Workshop organized by the World Food Program Flag Thailand   
  • 22 September, the “Aroi Lert Kub Khun Reed” TV program visited APCD and interviewed Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) about the APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP project (Disability-Inclusive Business-DIB). Flag Thailand Flag UN
  • 23 September, Yayasan Autisma Indonesia (YAI) organized an Online Job Coach Training with Presentations from APCD Flag Indonesia Flag US Flag Thailand     
  • 30 September, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director visited “Joy of Life” Café to follow up on the success of an APCD graduated trainees with hearing disability of the 60+ plus project. Flag Thailand  
  • 30 September, 5th AAN Congress Virtual Planning Meeting organized by AAN Secretariat in Indonesia Flag Indonesia Flag Malaysia Cambodia Flag Lao PDR Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam Flag Mongolia

August 2022

  • 2 August, APCD participated in the "Indonesia-Japan Roundtable Discussion on Developmental Disorder" hosted by the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, Jakarta, Indonesia Flag Indonesia Flag Japan Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand        
  • 4 August, Fourteen new diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand of the year 2022 and government officials visited APCD Flag Thailand 
  • 5 August, Mr. Piroon Laismit visited Thai Yamazaki Co., Ltd. Head office Flag Thailand Flag Japan  
  • 5 August, A group from Japan and Italy visited APCD to activities on community-based living for people with psychosocial disabilities in Bangkok, Thailand  Flag UN Flag Japan Italy Flag Flag Thailand  
  • 8 August, Thai-Israel Chamber of Commerce visited APCD Flag Thailand
  • 9-11 August, APCD Mission to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for Collaboration on Organizing the 5th Asia-Pacific Community-based Inclusive Development Congress and Exploring Potential Cooperation for Persons with Developmental Disorder Flag Thailand Cambodia 
  • 10 August, Mr Dmitry Frischin, UNV Deputy Regional Manager for Asia and the Pacific and his team visited APCD  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 19 August, Working Group in the field of Disability Employability Empowerment of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration visited APCD Flag Thailand   
  • 22-26 August, The Thailand mission to the Republic of Maldives conducted activities on follow-up and assessment on the needs for inclusive education improvement, Malé, Maldives Flag Thailand Maldives Flag 
  • 25 August, The President of the Royal Thai Army Wives Association, Signal Department Royal Thai Army led her team to visit APCD Flag Thailand 
  • 29 August, APCD started the media project of sustainable Disability-Inclusive sustainable employment documentary focusing on ex-trainee with an invisible disability. Flag Thailand
  • 30 August, Sook Baab Thai Jai Por Peeang TV Program, broadcasting on Thai TV Channel 5 visited APCD Flag Thailand

July 2022

  • 3 July, Follow-up activity on ESCAP – APCD Partnership Project "Protecting and Empowering Self-advocates with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic"    Flag Thailand Flag UN     
  • 4 July, Ms. Saranpat Anumutratchakij, the Director-General Department of Empowerment of Person with Disabilities visited 60+ Plus Projects. Flag Thailand  
  • 5 July, The Thai PBS TV channel visited APCD to film “APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills Training for persons with disabilities of the year 2022” and promoted the new APCD Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) project, the APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP Flag Thailand 
  • 6 July, The Pen Gun Eang TV program visited APCD to film “APCD 60+ Plus Vocational skills Training for persons with disabilities of the year 2022” and promoted the new APCD Disability-Inclusive Business project, the APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP Flag Thailand
  • 8 July, Prof. Jun Nakagawa, Faculty of Contemporary Law, Tokyo Keizai University (Tokyo University of Economics) visited APCD, observing for Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) project Flag Thailand Flag Japan 
  • 12-15 July, APCD was invited to be an honorable speaker at the International Conference to promote the employment of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities organized by DPI-Korea  Australia Flag Korea flag Flag Japan Flag Lao PDR Flag Thailand
  • 22 July, Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) was invited to be a panelist on the topic of “Roles of Businessmen in making and developing inclusive workplace” at Courtyard by Marriott Bangkok  Flag UN Flag Thailand    
  • 23-29 July, The APCD, in collaboration with TICA and JICA, organized the TCTP: Strengthening Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in the ASEAN Region ​Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand Flag Japan Flag Pakistan Flag UN 
  • 25 July, Mr. Aj Wisuthithawornwong, the manager of CSR Management of Thai Oil Public Company Limited., A Company of PTT Group, led his team visit APCD  Flag Thailand 
  • 27 July, Ms. Thitiporn Chirasawadi, the Director of Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, led Devawongse Varopakarn Institute team and University students from Southern Thailand to visit APCD  Flag Thailand 

June 2022

  • 1 June, APCD arranged an online internship for a bachelor's degree student from Global Cultural Adventurers (China) Flag Thailand Flag china   
  • 1 June, Ms. Kanchana Ruangsiriwichayakul, General Manager of Centra by Centara Government & Convention Chaeng Watthana, led Centara Government & Convention Chaeng Watthana team to visit APCD  Flag Thailand
  • 1 June, Safe Child Thailand (SCT) visited APCD Flag Thailand 
  • 2 June, APCD presented an inspiring case story to parents of children with disabilities at a Foundation for Children with Disabilities (FCD)-organized an online session Flag Thailand 
  • 2 June, the World Food Program team visited APCD Flag Thailand Flag UN        
  • 7 June, A representative from the World Endeavors Thailand office paid a visit to APCD Flag Thailand    
  • 7 June, APCD attended “Regional Webinar on the Draft Global Report on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities” organized by World Health Organization (WHO)  Flag UN Flag Thailand    
  • 15 June, APCD attended the 5th CBID Congress preparation meeting organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), Cambodia Cambodia Flag Thailand     
  • 15 June, APCD participated in the launch of the ASEAN Secretariat's webinar “study on urbanization, people mobility, and inclusive development across the urban-rural field” Flag Asean Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines singapore flag Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam  
  • 17 June, Private lunch round table talks on the Social Enterprises and Disability: Promoting Inclusion, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in ASEAN Flag Asean Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand       
  • 22-23 June, APCD participated in the Expert Group Meeting “Final Review of the Implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022” on 22-23 June 2022, organized by ESCAP  Flag UN Australia Flag Flag china  flag of Ascension Island Flag India Flag Japan Flag Malaysia singapore flag Korea flag Flag US Flag Thailand                       
  • 23 June, APCD welcomed a half-day visit for secondary students from Anglo Singapore International School Flag Thailand 
  • 24 June, Ms. Nianne Lynn Hendricks, a journalist of the Bangkok Post visited APCD Flag Thailand  
  • 29 June, Mr. Takayuki KOBORI, the Chief Editor of the Daily NNA Thailand Edition from the KYODO NEWS GROUP visited APCD to interview Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director and Mr. Masami Akiyama, the president of THAI YAMAZAKI CO., LTD.  Flag Thailand    
  • 29 June, Mr. Krisana Lalai, the reporter of “Krisana Tour Yok Lor” TV program came to APCD and interviewed Dr. Tej Bunnag, the President of the Foundation of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability at APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP Flag Thailand 
  • 30 June, the APCD Executive Board meeting was held at APCD Administrative Office  Flag Thailand Flag Japan 

May 2022

  • 3-8 May, The ESCAP-APCD partnership project second capacity development workshop "Improving the self-reliance of Thai self-advocates with intellectual disabilities and their families in the context of COVID-19 pandemics"  Flag Thailand Flag UN     
  • 5-6 May, APCD attended and presented at the Online Regional Consultation on Facilitating Innovative Action on Disability-inclusive and Gender-responsive Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific, organized by Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific   Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 11 May, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) and the Foundation of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) conducted orientation of the training on vocational skills of people with disabilities of the year 2022  Flag Thailand    
  • 16 May, The Foundation of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability received donation from Mr. Ray Ellis, the Chief Executive Officer of the First National Real Estate, Australia Flag Thailand Australia Flag    
  • 20 May, Government of Cambodia organized the online preparatory meeting of “5th Asia-Pacific Community-based Inclusive Development (AP CBID) Congress ”Cambodia Flag Thailand   
  • 23-25 May, APCD organized ESCAP-APCD partnership project follow-up activity, Bangkok and Pathum Thani province, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 25 May, Mr. Wanarat Chanphet, Officer of the Embassy of Israel in Thailand and Ms. Kanvisorn Charikanonda, Assistant to Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Israel in Thailand visited APCD Flag Thailand Flag Israel     
  • 26 May, APCD attended the AAN Executive Committee Meeting hosted by the Secretariat of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) in Jakarta  Flag Indonesia Flag Malaysia Cambodia Flag Lao PDR Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam Flag Mongolia 
  • 27 May, The ESCAP-APCD partnership project conducted an Online Thai Stakeholders Meeting on Lesson Learned on Empowering Self-Advocates with Intellectual Disabilities in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic Flag Thailand Flag UN  

April 2022

  • 4 April, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn presided over APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP Opening Ceremony Flag Thailand    
  • 5-11 April, The ESCAP-APCD cooperation project on the first capacity building workshop "Improving the self-reliance of Thai self-advocates with intellectual disabilities (ID) and their families in the context of COVID-19 pandemics", Lamphun Province Flag Thailand Flag UN     
  • 22 April, Mr. Piroon Laismit gave information about employability of persons with disabilities according to APCD Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) Flag Thailand    

March 2022

  • 4 March, Mr. Takayasu Shimada, President of TOTO (Thailand) called on Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director and taking a tour at APCD   Flag Thailand Flag Japan     
  • 9 March, APCD followed up on the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) outcomes with the JICA Thailand Office and the University of Tsukuba   Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 11 March, Field survey for the APCD-ESCAP Partnership Project capacity development workshops in Nakhon Nayok, Pathum Thani Province Flag Thailand Flag UN   
  • 12 March, the meeting to adjust the plan among the working group members in order to implement the APCD-ESCAP Project to respond uncertain COVID-19 situation  Flag Thailand Flag UN 
  • 14 March, Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) led APCD Team to pay a courtesy call on Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to the Kingdom of Thailand, Ms. Orna Sagiv at the Embassy of Israel in Thailand  Flag Thailand Flag Israel   
  • 16-18 March, Field survey for the APCD-ESCAP Partnership Project capacity development workshops in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai Province  Flag Thailand Flag UN   
  • 22 March, APCD delivered a special online lecture titled "In Practice: Negotiating Disabilities and Development" to international program students from Thammasat University  Flag Thailand  
  • 28 March, the Embassy of Mongolia in Thailand visited APCD to exchange knowledge in disability-inclusive development, especially Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB)  Flag Thailand Flag Mongolia    
  • 30 March, The Senator and Working group of Uzbekistan visited APCD to exchange knowledge in disability-inclusive development  Flag Thailand Flag Uzbekistan
  • 31 March, The Secretariat of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Jakarta organized AAN Executive Committee Meeting Flag Indonesia Cambodia Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam     

February 2022

  • 3 February, The Secretariat of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Jakarta organized AAN Executive Committee Meeting Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam 
  • 4 February, The Association for the Mentally Ill of Thailand (AMITH) invited APCD to participate in an Executive Committee meeting Flag Thailand  
  • 11 February, Dr. Tej Bunnag, the President of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, and Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director participated in the Thailand Friendly Design Expo Flag Thailand Flag US 
  • 17 February, APCD hosted a virtual internship farewell ceremony Flag Thailand Flag china
  • 19 February, The Follow-up meeting of the ESCAP-APCD partnership project for self-advocates with intellectual disabilities and their families Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 23 February, NNA Thailand Edition called on Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director for an interview at APCD Office about APCD profile, activities, and projects, especially APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate café by Yamazaki and MarkRin projects.  Flag Japan Flag Thailand    
  • 24 February, the Ambassador of Mongolia to Thailand observed the ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee Meeting, hosted by the AAN Secretariat in Indonesia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam Flag Mongolia

January 2022

  • 12 January, Mr. MORITA Takahiro, the Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand, presented the "17th JICA President Award" on behalf of JICA Headquarter in Japan, to Dr. Tej Bunnag, the President of the APCD  Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 15 January, Follow up meeting of ESCAP-APCD Partnership Project for self-advocates with intellectual disabilities and their families  Flag Thailand Flag UN 
  • 21 January, Thai former interns paid a visit to APCD Flag Thailand
  • 21 January, APCD in-house Training Program on Media Creation and Editing on the Smartphone Flag Thailand
  • 24 – 30 January, APCD supported the Autism Society Philippines (ASP) to celebrate the 26th Philippine National Autism Awareness Week Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Asean
  • 28 January, APCD participated in a webinar on building sectoral partnerships for inclusive Smart city projects in pursuance of the ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025. Australia Flag Flag Thailand Flag Asean
  • 28 January, APCD organized an internal training session on Disability Issues and the Welfare System in China Flag Thailand Flag china

December 2021

  • 1 December, Empowerment and Vocational Development Center for Persons with Disabilities in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province team Visited APCD office and had a study visit on Knowledge exchange in good practice of Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB)  Flag Thailand  
  • 3 December, APCD celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) with the theme “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.”  Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 3 December, APCD was invited to be a guest speaker at a Japanese students' virtual class  Flag Japan Flag Thailand    
  • 8-9 December, APCD issued an intervention to the ESCAP Working Group Meeting 2021 Flag UN Flag Bangladesh Flag china Flag India Flag Indonesia Flag Japan Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Pakistan flag Korea Flag Samoa Flag Thailand Flag Timor
  • 13 December, Representative from JICA visited APCD, seeing APCD activities  Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 14 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit presented an appreciation on the New Year greetings 2022 to Ms. Saranpat Anumatrajkij, Director-General of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities  Flag Thailand  
  • 15 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) presented an appreciation on the New Year greetings 2022 to Mrs. Jatuporn Rojanapanich, Director-General Department of Children and Youth   Flag Thailand  
  • 16 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit, Executive Director of APCD, presented a token of appreciation for the New Year greetings for 2022 to Mr. Morita Takahiro, Chief Representative, JICA Thailand Office at the Westin Grande Sukhumvit Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Japan Flag Thailand    
  • 17 December, Ms. Rapeepan Luangaramrut (Khun Reed) led her TV crew support and filmed APCD 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP project, an APCD Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) project  Flag Thailand  
  • 17 December, The TV program (Khon Thai Mai Thor) crew support filmed APCD 60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Cafe project, an APCD Disability-Inclusive Business (DIB) project by interviewing Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) Flag Thailand  
  • 17 December, the AAN Secretariat met with the APCD having internal exchange for the year 2021 AAN activities and outlining future partnership plans for the following year Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand   
  • 18 December, APCD conducted a monthly gathering of self-advocates with intellectual disabilities and their families for preparation for the APCD-ESCAP collaboration program which will be organized the in-person training in Buriram Province for the following year Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 20 December, Mr. Theerapat Prayurasiddhi and Mr. Piroon Laismit were interviewed by Mr. Phanumas Suk-Umphorn, the TV host of Rak Moeng Thai Program at the APCD 60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Café at the Government House   Flag Thailand   
  • 20 December, APCD Staff who is trainee from Thailand presented an action plan for the JICA training closing ceremony program Flag Japan Flag Bosnia Flag Lao Flag Thailand Flag Uzbekistan
  • 21 December, a TV program namely “Kon Thai Taei Rom Rachan” released on Channel 5, interviewed Mr. Piroon Laismit at the APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café by Yamazaki and MarkRin at the Government House project   Flag Thailand
  • 21 December, Season's Greetings & Happy New Year 2022, Mr. Masami Akiyama (President of THAI YAMAZAKI CO., LTD.) and team extended the best wishes to Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director) Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 21 December, President of THAI YAMAZAKI and team visited APCD 60+Plus Bakery and Café by Yamazaki project, hosted a lunch and gave some gifts with Santa for staff with disabilities of APCD 60+ Plus Bakery and Café by Yamazaki at APCD Headquarter Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 23 December, Season's Greetings & Happy New Year 2022, representatives of CHITRALADA SCHOOL extended their best wishes and presented a basket of gifts to Mr. Piroon Laismit (APCD Executive Director)  Flag Thailand
  • 24 December, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director, on behalf of APCD received Hyatt Community Grant Fund from Mr. Sammy Carolus, General Manager of the Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit Hotel  Flag Thailand 
  • 27 December, APCD participated in a study on lifelong social protection for persons with disabilities in Thailand organized by TRIP Flag Thailand

November 2021

  • 3 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director brought 100 lunch-box, donations from M.R. Rangsiya Taewakul to the vulnerable groups at Pra Pinklao Bridge   Flag Thailand
  • 4 November to 21 December, APCD staff attended a JICA course on inclusive sports for persons with disabilities on the second virtual platform  Flag Japan Flag Bosnia Flag Lao Flag Thailand Flag Uzbekistan      
  • 5 November, 60+Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café by Yamazaki and MarkRin project had an outdoor kiosk and displayed at “Coffee Craft Thailand” event at the ICON SIAM Department store Flag Thailand
  • 5 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director brought 150 lunch-box, donations from Mrs. Soklang Sae Tae, Ms. Clara Leung, Ms. Karen Leung to the vulnerable groups at Pra Pinklao Bridge  Flag Thailand
  • 6 November, APCD co-hosted an international symposium on ‘Community-based Inclusive Development (CBID)’ with the Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD)    Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 9 November, APCD Foundation Committee Meeting  Flag Thailand
  • 9 November, APCD contributed to the Asia-Pacific Action Plan Listening Session organized by UN Women Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 10 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director implemented the "Sapanboon Campaign"  Flag Thailand
  • 13 November, APCD held an online training session for Thai self-advocates with intellectual disabilities and their families on the "Triangle Collaboration Strategy"  Flag Thailand Flag UN 
  • 17 November, APCD received donations from 25 donors  Flag Thailand  
  • 17 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director implemented the "Sapanboon Campaign"  Flag Thailand
  • 21 November, Thai persons with intellectual disabilities and their parents were introduced to a user-friendly guidebook at APCD during the meeting for Dao Rueng self-advocate group of persons with intellectual disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 22 November, APCD hosted an orientation for the World Endeavours online interns Flag Thailand Flag china
  • 23 November, The Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University and the Thob Tan Sung Kom Baan Gert Club, Chachoengsao paid APCD Executive Director, a visit for possibilities and advice in having a Disability-Inclusive Business project  Flag Thailand
  • 24 November, APCD received donations from 25 donors  Flag Thailand
  • 24 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director implemented the "Sapanboon Campaign"  Flag Thailand
  • 24 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit, the APCD Executive Director and APCD team implemented the "Sapanboon Campaign" received the donation from Dr. Tej Bunnag, the Secretary-General of the Thai Red Cross Society and President of APCD Foundation  Flag Thailand
  • 25 November, Mr. Piroon Laismit and APCD team went to ask for Blessing from Dr. Tej Bunnag, the Secretary-General of the Thai Red Cross Society and President of APCD Foundation  Flag Thailand
  • 25 November, APCD participated in the AAN Executive Committee Meeting arranged by the Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia  Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 26 November, Khon La Mai Khon La Mue program visited to promote APCD activities  Flag Thailand
  • 29 November, The JICA staff and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) paid a visit to APCD in Bangkok, Thailand   Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 30 November, APCD attended the 5th Meeting of ASEAN Network of Experts on Inclusive Entrepreneurship for ASEAN (NIEA) Flag Vietnam Flag Asean  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag UN

October 2021

  • 1 October, APCD launched a special 60-day program on "Skills Development Training for Thais with Disabilities: Employability in the Food Business 2021", Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand
  • 5 and 12 October, The "Sapanboon" Campaign benefited the vulnerable groups in Bangkok  Flag Thailand 
  • 5 and 12 October, the 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP supported hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand 
  • 9 October, APCD conducted a training session on "How to apply for a self-employment loan scheme for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID)"  Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 11 October, APCD attended a webinar on "Youth employment in Thailand: Impact of the COVID-19 crisis and lessons for a human-centered recovery" organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO)  Flag Thailand Flag UN      
  • 11 October, H.E. Mr. Tumur Amarsanaa, Mongolia's Ambassador to Thailand, paid a visit to APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Mongolia Flag Flag Thailand
  • 12 October, APCD participated in the interview session to generate a short film clip to promote the Third Country Training Program (TCTP), organized by the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Bangkok, ThailandFlag Thailand
  • 28 October, APCD attended a monthly virtual meeting on the ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) organized by the Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia   Flag Indonesia  Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam 
  • 28 October, APCD participated in a virtual CBR/CBID Regional Dialogue in Asia organized by the Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Global Network in cooperation with the CBR Asia-Pacific (AP) Network Flag of Bangladesh  Flag Thailand 
  • 29 October, APCD conducted in-house training on "A Dialogue among APCD Staff about their direct COVID-19 infection experiences", at the APCD Administrative Building, Bangkok, Thailand, and via Zoom platform  Flag Thailand

September 2021

  • 1, 7, 8, and 30 September, APCD supporters donated money to make ready-meal boxes for the medical workers and people in the community during the COVID-19 outbreaks. Flag Thailand
  • 8 September, APCD attended Leonard Cheshire webinar on Access to Employment (A2E)  Flag Thailand Flag UN  
  • 11 September, APCD organized the sixth gathering of project implementation on "Protecting and Empowering Self-advocates with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic" funded by UNESCAP   Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 17 September, APCD participated in the 2nd meeting on "Subcommittee Members on Promoting and Implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Thailand", hosted by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Flag Thailand   
  • 20 September, "Sapanboon" Campaign implementation, APCD delivered snack boxes for the the Rajvithi Home for Girls   Flag Thailand
  • 20 September, APCD attended the "General Assembly of the National Network of Persons with Disabilities of Thailand", organized by Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University under the assignment of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP)   Flag Thailand  
  • 20 September, APCD participated in the "Online Workshop on Promoting an Inclusive Workplace for Persons with Disabilities in Thailand" hosted by UNDP Thailand in collaboration with the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP)    Flag UN Flag Thailand     
  • 27 September, the 60+Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café project team hosted a certificate presentation on skills development training (Hotel Services)    Flag Thailand   
  • 28 September, the 60+Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café project team organized a certificate presentation on skills development training (bakery production and sales)  Flag Thailand
  • 29 September, APCD attended a monthly ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee Meeting  Flag Indonesia  Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 30 September, The 60+Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café project team organized a certificate presentation on skill development training (Chocolate Café & Barista) Flag Thailand
  • 30 September, APCD attended an online working group meeting on the Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) / Community-based Inclusive Development (CBID) Asia-Pacific (AP) Network hosted by the Government of Cambodia as the Network Secretariat  Cambodia Flag Bangladesh Flag India Flag Indonesia Flag Japan Flag Malaysia Flag Pakistan Flag Thailand

August 2021

  • 19-20 August, APCD co-organized a workshop on “Strengthening the Self-Help Group of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN+3 countries” in collaboration with the Senior Official Meeting for Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) Thailand and the Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities (DEP).   Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Asean Flag China Flag Japan Flag Switzerland Flag UN           
  • 20, 24 and 27 August, the 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP provided lunch boxes from donation for community isolation Center and the field hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis. Flag Thailand     
  • 20 and 27 August, "Sapanboon” Campaign (A Merit Bridge for the vulnerable groups): Fight COVID-19 Together" by the 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café and Thai Yamazaki delivered box sets (fresh baked bakery and beverages) for vulnerable groups in Bangkok.  Flag Thailand   
  • 25 August, APCD virtual internship certificate presentation Flag Thailand Australia Flag Flag US       
  • 31 August, APCD launched a knowledge exchange with Cape Fear Group Homes and Vocational Services, Inc. in the USA and the Association for the Mentally Ill in Thailand. Flag Thailand Flag US     
  • 31 August, APCD attended a monthly ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee Meeting. Flag Asean Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines singapore flag Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam             

 July 2021

  • 1 July, APCD participated in an online preparation meeting for the "Workshop on Strengthening Self-Help Group of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN +3" organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) Flag Thailand  
  • 1 July, APCD participated in an online Board meeting of Thailand Research Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Foundation (TRIP) Flag Thailand 
  • 6 and 13 July, the 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP provided lunch boxes from public donation for medical officials working in the Vaccination Centers in Bangkok during the COVID-19 outbreak Flag Thailand 
  • 9 July, APCD arranged an online courtesy call paid to a representative of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of Thailand Flag China Flag Thailand   
  • 10 July, APCD held a preparation meeting for the implementation of the UNESCAP-funded project "Protecting and Empowering Self-advocates with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic" Flag Thailand Flag UN   
  • 14 July, APCD took part in a discussion about model guidelines on promoting of job preparedness for students with special needs organized by Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University  Flag Thailand
  • 16 July, APCD hosted an in-house training session on the disability welfare system in Australia Australia Flag Flag Thailand     
  • 29 July, APCD attended the ASEAN Secretariat's closing event for the project "Strengthening Organizational Structures for Gender Equality and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities at the ASEAN Secretariat"  Flag Asean  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam         
  • 29-30 July, APCD participated in the Expert Group Meeting on Promoting Inclusive Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific organized by UN ESCAP Flag UN Flag Thailand    
  • 29 July, APCD organized "A Farewell to the APCD Internship Program" Flag Thailand Australia Flag Flag US              
  • 30 July, APCD attended ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee Meeting Flag Indonesia  Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam                   

June 2021

  • 9 June, The Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) interviewed APCD about Promoting Inclusive Education for Maldivian Professionals, Teachers, and Parents of Children with Disabilities Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 14 June, APCD participated in the United Nations Thailand and Multi-Stakeholder Consultations on the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Flag UN Flag Thailand
  • 16, 22 and 24 June, The 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP received a donation for preparing lunch boxes for medical workers at hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand
  • 17 June, The Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) organized a preparatory meeting for the Third Country Training Program (TCTP) 2021 – 2023 project implementation  Flag Thailand Flag Japan    
  • 24 June, APCD attended a meeting of the subcommittee members on promoting and implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Thailand, hosted by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Flag Thailand  
  • 30 June, APCD participated in a virtual monthly meeting of the ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) conducted by the AAN Secretariat Office in Indonesia  Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam 

May 2021

  • 6 May, APCD organized working group meeting to brainstorm on manual production to promote physical activities to cope with COVID-19 in the ASEAN region  Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 15 May, APCD conducted the 2nd online gathering of project implementation on “Protecting and Empowering Self-advocates with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic” funded by UNESCAP  Flag Thailand Flag UN 
  • 17-19 and 24-25 May, The 2nd online training course on “Capacity Building on Inclusive Education for Maldivian Teachers and Parents of Students with Special Needs” funded by Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in cooperation with Srinakharinwirot University and APCD Flag Thailand Maldives Flag    
  • 20 May, APCD representative with autism was invited to deliver her voice in Disability Inclusion Campaign of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand Flag UN    
  • 24 and 31 May, APCD welcomed two interns from Thailand and USA as online internship program for two months   Flag TH Flag US  
  • 27 May, APCD discussed with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Head Quarters, and JICA Thailand Office, to develop regional collaboration on promoting social participation and inclusive development of persons with disabilities  Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 28 May, APCD broadcasted a live session on “Discussion on Process to Develop Disability Employment in USA” as a good practice for Thai partners and other stakeholders Flag TH Flag US   
  • 28 May, APCD participated in an online meeting of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee organized by the ASEAN Autism Network Secretariat  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam                 

April 2021

  • 1-3 April, Collaboration between the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP), and APCD on a mission to the Center for Empowerment and Vocational Training for Persons with Disabilities in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand  Flag Thailand    
  • 7 April, Visitors from Centra by Centara observed "Skill Development Training for Thai Persons with Disabilities on Employability in Food Business", APCD Training Building, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand      
  • 8 April, The second workshop on Empowering Parents Groups of Children with Special Needs to cope during COVID-19 under the JICA‐APCD Community Empowerment Program (CEP), on-site at APCD training building, and other Zoom stations in other ASEAN countries and Japan Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand Flag Japan
  • 8 April, APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Cafe at Rajvithi Branch was recorded to broadcast on the TV Program "Aroi Lert Kub Khun Reed" (TV Program named “Most delicious around Thailand”), Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand  
  • 9 April, Special workshop on art therapy facilitated by H.E. Mr. Poldej Worachat, Ex-Ambassador of Thailand to Sri Lanka, APCD Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand 
  • 28 April, Representatives from AAN and APCD joined the Meeting on Programme for Sharing Session on ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme organized by the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM), ASEAN Secretariat Flag Asean  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam Flag UN                        
  • 29 April, The 3rd CEP Workshop on Recommendations for Improving the Manual to Promote Physical Activities to Cope with COVID-19 in the ASEAN Region Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand Flag Japan 
  • 30 April, APCD joined a virtual meeting of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee organized by the ASEAN Autism Network Secretariat Office  Flag Indonesia Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam  

March 2021

  • 1-3 The online training course on “Capacity Building on Inclusive Education for Maldivian Professionals at the Department of Inclusive Education (IED) and Teachers at Key Schools (Malé and Atolls) Project” was organized by Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) and APCD Flag Thailand Maldives Flag   
  • 3 Hundreds of face masks and alcohol gels were donated to APCD by Foundation of Children with Disabilities (FCD), Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand    
  • 10 ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) by Yayasan Autisma Indonesia (YAI) and AAN Secretariat facilitated mask donations from AHA Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia  Flag Indonesia Flag Asean     
  • 11 APCD conducted a preparatory implementation of the first workshop on Home Health Promotion of Persons with Special Needs in COVID-19 response with the working group Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 15-17 The online training course on “Capacity Building on Inclusive Education for Maldivian Professionals at the Department of Inclusive Education (IED) and Teachers at Key Schools (Malé and Atolls) Project” was organized by Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) and APCD  Flag Thailand Maldives Flag    
  • 15 APCD Networking & Collaboration Officer presented Action Plan and attended Closing Ceremony in an online JICA Training “Social Participation and Livelihood of Persons with Disabilities through a Community-based Inclusive Approach (B)” Implemented by Empowerment Okinawa  Flag Japan Flag Thailand Flag Indonesia Flag group                   
  • 22 Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University attended a study tour to APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand     
  • 24-26 Implementation of 3-day screening workshop on the "Skill Development Training for Thai Persons with Disabilities on Employability in Food Business", APCD Training Building, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand   
  • 25 The first workshop on Empowering Parents Groups of Children with Special Needs to cope during COVID-19 under the JICA‐APCD Community Empowerment Program (CEP), on-site and online platform at APCD administrative building Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam Flag Thailand Flag Japan                       
  • 26 APCD joined an online meeting of ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee organized by the ASEAN Autism Network Secretariat Office in Indonesia   Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand                  
  • 29 APCD staff were selected to participate in JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP) of Promotion of Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities through Sports 2021 via online platform from 29 March - 14 May 2021 flag group
  • 30 APCD was invited to participate in Validation Workshop on the Situation Analysis for the Young Future Makers Thailand-Promoting Youth Employability Project 2021 – 2022 organized by The International Labour Organization (ILO), Bangkok, Thailand  Flag UN Flag Thailand      
  • 31 – 2 April APCD was invited to be a speaker at a week event of World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) organized by the Association of Parents of Thai Persons with Autism (AU Thai), Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand  
  • 31 March, Visitation of new Director-General of Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) to APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand

February 2021

  • 1 APCD Networking & Collaboration Officer participated in an online JICA Training “Social Participation and Livelihood of Persons with Disabilities through a Community-based Inclusive Approach (B)” Implemented by Empowerment Okinawa from 1 February – 16 March
  • 5 APCD requested collaboration with ASEAN partners to implement the project “Empowering Parents Groups of Children with Special Needs on Physical Activities and Health Promotion to cope during COVID-19 in ASEAN Countries and Japan” under the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) “JICA Special Project” Flag Japan Flag Thailand Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Vietnam   
  • 8 APCD brainstormed ideas in relation to psychosocial disability issues with the representatives from Association for the Mentally Ill of Thailand (AMITH) for future collaboration Flag Thailand  
  • 10 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) organized workshop on chocolate making for children with special needs in collaboration with APCD and relevant associations at APCD Training Center, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand   
  • 16 APCD was invited for knowledge exchanges at an online workshop on “Situation of Social Welfare in Thailand during COVID-19 Pandemic” organized by Japan National Council of Social Welfare (JNCSW)  Flag Japan Flag Thailand     
  • 22 Online Meeting with the working group on preparatory implementation for “Empowering Parents Groups of Children with Special Needs to cope during COVID-19”  Flag Japan Flag Thailand
  • 23 Courtesy call of the representatives from Embassy of Japan in Thailand in charge of Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), and Japanese Chamber of Commerce (JCC) of Thailand to APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Japan Flag Thailand    
  • 25 APCD took part in the ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Committee Meeting organized by the ASEAN Autism Network Secretariat Office in Indonesia  Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand Cambodia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia  Flag Philippines   
  • 25 APCD In-House Capacity Development Training on Introductory Facilitation Skills at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand. Australia Flag Flag Thailand

January 2021

  • 7 Representatives from Chitralada School paid a courtesy call on the APCD Executive Director for New Year 2021 greetings  Flag Thailand    
  • 7 APCD paid a courtesy call to Ms. Pornpith Phetchareon, Secretary-General, the Secretariat of the House of Representatives for New Year 2021 greetings  at the Thai House of Representatives, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand  
  • 15 APCD conducted a virtual field trip to introduce APCD facility for Ms. Kristy Sinclair-Lombardo from Australia who is working with APCD on online internship program  Flag Thailand Australia Flag 
  • 20 APCD conducted an online Workshop on Handover Tasks of ASEAN Autism Network Secretariat from APCD to London School Centre for Autism Awareness (LSCAA) hosted by APCD   )  Flag Thailand Flag Indonesia Flag Malaysia         
  • 21-22 APCD representatives attended Autism-Inclusive Tourism and National Conference on Autism in the National Autism Consciousness Week organized by Autism Society of Philippines (ASP) Flag Philippines Flag Thailand
  • 29 APCD organized Kick-Off meeting of JICA Special Project (Community Empowerment Program)   Flag Japan Flag Thailand  

December 2020

  • 2 A donation from TOTAL Oil (Thailand) Co. Ltd., to APCD France Flag Flag Thailand 
  • 4 APCD self-advocate with autism was invited to deliver her eco-voice in humanitarian fields on 4th December 2020 at the World Food Programme Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 9 Representatives from Immigration Division 3 (Samutsongkhram) under Royal Thai Police visit for future collaboration with APCD Flag Thailand 
  • 14 5th ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Congress hosted by National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) in cooperation with AAN, APCD, and London School Centre for Autism Awareness (LSCAA)  Flag Asean Flag Malaysia Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR  Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 15 APCD attended the online meeting and gave feedback on project documents for preparatory implementation on JICA Special Project (Community Empowerment Program) 2021   Flag Japan Flag Thailand     
  • 15 APCD was invited to share a message for an online session of "Mary Glowrey - Liliane Brekelmans Disability Award 2020" organized by Catholic Health Association of India Flag India Flag Thailand 


November 2020

  • 1 APCD presented Disability Inclusive Business (DIB) at a workshop on skill development for teachers of students with disabilities, organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 4 APCD speaker at the International Webinar with the topic "Social Work Practices on Disabilities during COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Learning from ASEAN Countries" Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand   
  • 6 AAN online meeting on preparatory implementation for the 5th ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Congress organized by National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) )  Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam                 
  • 9 APCD attended an online meeting for preparatory project implementation of Personnel Capacity Development on Inclusive Education for Republic of Maldives hosted by Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA)  Flag Thailand Maldives Flag 
  • 10 APCD was invited to attend the press conference of “Empowering Disability to Thriving in Digital Era” organized by Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) at DEPA Office, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand 
  • 11 Introductory Training Course for Business Partners on Basic Understandings How to Interact with Persons with Disabilities, was organized by APCD, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 12 The Vice Minister of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand visited Disability Inclusive Business (DIB) Projects at APCD's 60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Café, Ratchawithi Branch, Bangkok, Thailand   Flag Thailand
  • 13 APCD welcomed Ms. Kristy Sinclair-Lombardo, Bachelor Degree Student of Community Services, TAFE, New South Wales (NSW), Australia as online internship program for 6 months  Australia Flag Flag Thailand 
  • 17 APCD as reference group, joined the online session final report: Formative and Summative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Rights, Education and Protection (REAP) II Programme 2015-2019 in the East Asia and the Pacific Region organized by UNICEF  Flag UN Flag Thailand 
  • 17 Representatives from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand Office and APCD had an online meeting with Japanese resource persons for preparatory implementation of JICA Special Project (Community Empowerment Program) Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 17 Mr. Morita Takahiro, new Chief Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand Office, paid a courtesy call on Mr. Piroon Laismit, Executive Director at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand   Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 23 Follow up meeting of preparation for 5th ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Congress 2020   Cambodia Flag Indonesia  Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand                   
  • 23 APCD gave feedback on Collaboration and Plans on Employment of Thai Persons with Disabilities Initiated by International Labour Organization (ILO) and organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Flag UN Flag Thailand      
  • 26 APCD conducted an in-house workshop on Making Google Forms and Learning other Useful IT Works delivered by the Information Knowledge Management (IKM) team at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 27 APCD's 60+ Plus Project received recycled materials donation from Branding and Corporate Communications of Bangchak Corporation PCL., at APCD's 60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Café, Ratchawithi Branch, Bangkok Thailand  Flag Thailand 
  • 27 APCD conducted a Bakery Workshop for staff with and without disabilities as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Pandora Production Thailand (PPT) at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Denmark Flag Flag Thailand       

October 2020

  • 1 APCD attended preparatory meeting for Thailand Network of Experts on Inclusive Entrepreneurship for ASEAN at Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Office, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand    
  • 2 APCD conducted an internal capacity development session on “Sharing basic information on Psychosocial Disabilities & how to interact with them”, Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand)  Flag Thailand  
  • 5 APCD joined the 2nd ASEAN Web Forum on Disability-Inclusion and ASEAN Economic Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities organized by ASEAN Secretariat   Flag Asean  Flag Thailand    
  • 6 APCD attended and provided inputs at “Forum on Moving Education for Quality of Life of Children with Special Needs” at the office of Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand)  Flag Thailand  
  • 8 The 2nd Preparatory Meeting for TCTP (Three-Year-Training) at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Japan Flag Thailand
  • 8 Deputy Executive Secretary for Sustainable Development of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) visited APCD’s 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Cafe @ Royal Thai Government House, Bangkok, Thailand (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand      
  • 12 Online meeting on AAN future implementation to brainstorm a preparation of 5th ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Congress )   Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 14 Online meeting for preparatory implementation on JICA Special Project (Community Empowerment Program) 2020 (Japan, Thailandnd) Flag Japan Flag Thailand
  • 15 Study visit on Universal Design (UD), Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA- Public Organization) dispatched to APCD (Thailand) Flag Thailand 
  • 15 APCD attended Regional Conversation on Building Back Better—Social Protection: A Right for All, or a Privilege for a Few, and Launch of Social Outlook for Asia and the Pacific 2020 (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand      
  • 19 APCD 60+Plus Project, Government House recorded a TV Show on Friendly Design Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand 
  • 21 A representative from APCD as panelists at Thailand Smart City Week 2020 at Digital Economic Promotion Agency, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand  
  • 22 APCD attended the meeting on "Network of Experts on Inclusive Entrepreneurship of ASEAN", organized by the Government of Vietnam at the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) Office, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Asean  Flag Vietnam  Flag Thailand       
  • 22 APCD as a panelist in Online Forum: "From Words to Action: What More Should Be Done to Ensure Resilience for All in Asia and the Pacific", organized by Stockholm Environment Institute Asia (Sweden, Thailand) Flag Sweden  Flag Thailand    
  • 26 Meeting with AAN Executive Board Members for preparatory implementation of 5th AAN Congress, organized by National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM), ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) member in Malaysia Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines  Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 26 APCD Projects were recorded by YouTube Channel "Burin Journey" @ 60+ Bakery & Cafe, Rajvithi branch, Bangkok, Thailand   Flag Thailand  
  • 27 APCD delivered (CBID) lessons for students from Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) on 27 October 2020 via online platform    Flag Thailand 
  • 27 APCD presented at "Ruk Muang Thai” (Love Thailand TV Show) at TNN Channel office, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand

September 2020

  • 3 APCD speaker who is self-advocate was invited to Webinar #1: Overview of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Disability Guidelines, organized by Disability Inclusion in Gender & GBV Humanitarian Interventions in the Asia Region - Webinar Series (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 3 ASEAN Autism Network online meeting for future direction 4/2020 via Google Video Call   Flag Asean Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines singapore flag Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 11 Study Visit of Students and Lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand
  • 16-18 APCD conducted a training session for key groups of “Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) at Community-Based Tourism Network (Eastern) Assembly”, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand Flag Thailand
  • 17 Meeting with Japanese Resource Persons for preparatory implementation of Community Empowerment Project: "Empowering Parent Groups of Children with Special Needs to Cope during COVID-19 in ASEAN Countries" via Zoom Video Communication  Flag Japan Flag Thailand   
  • 21 APCD attended "A Consultation between the Representative of Thailand to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) 2020", Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand)  Flag Thailand  
  • 24-25 APCD attended "Sixth session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022" organized by Social Development Division-ESCAP via online Microsoft Teams platform (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand    
  • 25 APCD as member of a working group committee and referee team to select youths with disabilities to be representatives of Thailand for the project "Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities 2021", Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand) Flag Thailand   
  • 29 Khon Thai Tai Rom Ra Chan (Thai people honoring the king) TV Programme recorded a documentary at APCD's 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Cafe @ Royal Thai Government House, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand   
  • 30 "Pen-Gun Aeng" (Friendly Talks for All) TV Program Channel NBT interviewed APCD Executive Director at 60+ Plus Bakery & Café at Thai Government House, Bangkok, Thailand. Flag Thailand      

August 2020

  • 3 Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited (PCL) promoted job opportunities via donation of aprons and face masks for Thai trainees with disabilities at 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café, Thai Royal Government House, Bangkok, Thailand Flag Thailand  
  • 4 Study visit of House of Hope Foundation at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand 
  • 6 Brainstorming of Third Country Training Program (TCTP) 2021 - 2023 Preparation at APCD, Bangkok, Thailand (Japan, Thailand) Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 7 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café @ Thai Royal Government House was officially opened, Bangkok, Thailand (UN, Japan, Thailand) Flag UN Flag Japan Flag Thailand
  • 9 Dao Ruang (Self-Advocate Group of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand) Meeting on follow-up activities of half year plan at Rajanukul Institute, Bangkok, Thailand  Flag Thailand   
  • 10 St. Regis Bangkok Charity Gala 2020 was donated to APCD Foundation under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at The St. Regis Office, Bangkok, ThailandFlag Thailand  
  • 13 Online meeting for preparatory implementation on JICA Special Project (Community Empowerment Program) 2020 (Japan, Thailand) Flag Japan Flag Thailand      
  • 20 Visit by the SDD-UNESCAP representatives to APCD for potential collaboration on disability development in Asia-Pacific region at APCD Office, Bangkok, Thailand (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 27-28 Workshop on Legal Capacity Development Program for Thai Deaf Community was granted by Asia Foundation in cooperation with APCD at APCD Training Center and APCD Administrative Building, Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 27 “Representatives from AAN and APCD joined "First ASEAN Web Forum on Disability-Inclusion and COVID-19: Engaging Persons with Disabilities for Effective Response and Recovery" via Zoom and Live Platform (ASEAN Secretariat, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)   Flag Asean flag Brunei Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines singapore flag Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam
  • 27 August – 7 September APCD showed Chocolate Premium exhibition booth at “Fresh Farm 2020”, the Promenade Lifestyle Mall, Bangkok, Thailand (Thailand) Flag Thailand 

July 2020

  • 1 APCD participated in an online meeting with Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute (Thailand) Flag Thailand
  • 9 APCD joined the online workshop "REAP II Preliminary Findings" conducted by UNICEF (UNICEF, Thailand) Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 10 APCD Chairman, H.E. Dr. Tej Bunnag, visited a branch of 60+ Plus Café at Government House of Thailand (Thailand) Flag Thailand
  • 17 The Thai Yamazaki President, Mr. Masami Akiyama together with APCD management team visited a progress branch of 60+ Plus Café at Government House of Thailand (Japan, Thailand) Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 17 Executives from J.S. Vision Ltd. visited the branch of 60+ Plus Café at the Government House of Thailand (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 17 APCD exchanged good practices on capacity development for persons with disabilities through participatory training management with Sarthak Educational Trust, India via Zoom Video Communication (India, Thailand) Flag India Flag Thailand 
  • 22 The Director General of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) visited to the Soft Opening of 60+ Plus Café at Government House of Thailand (Thailand) Flag Thailand 
  • 24 APCD Internal Capacity Development Training on “Basic Understandings on Gender-based Violence (GBV) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ)” via online platform (UN Women, Thailand) Flag UN  Flag Thailand  
  • 30 The 3rd AAN Executive Committee online meeting "Congratulates AAN as an Entity Associated with ASEAN" via Google Video Call session (ASEAN Secretariat, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)  Flag Asean Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Philippines singapore flag Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam  
  • 31 APCD joined "Meeting on Evaluation of ASEAN Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2011 - 2020 and Mobilization in the Next Phase", Nonthaburi, Thailand Flag Thailand 

 June 2020

  • 12 APCD exchanged good practices on capacity development for persons with disabilities through participatory training management with Sarthak Educational Trust, India via Zoom Video Communication (India, Thailand)  Flag India Flag Thailand 
  • 19 APCD joined webinars on Government support for the disability community during COVID-19 organized by Sarthak Educational Trust and National Abilympics Association of India in collaboration with UNICEF and the American Center (India, Thailand)  Flag India Flag Thailand 
  • 24 APCD joined regional webinars on Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) and Disability (UNICEF, UNFPA, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand 
  • 25 Online meeting on AAN Future Direction 2/2020 to brainstorm on developing the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) guidebook to hand over the job to London School Centre for Autism Awareness, future secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia (Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)   Flag Philippines Flag ThailandFlag JapanCambodia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Vietnam 
  • 29 APCD joined ASEAN Forum on COVID-19 Response: Gender and Ageing Focus (ASEAN, Thailand)  Flag Asean Flag Thailand
  • 30 APCD joined the Opening Ceremony of "Café Amazon for Chance" at the Securities and Exchange Commission (Thailand)  Flag Thailand

May 2020

  • 8 APCD participated in “Theory of Change (ToC) Workshop – Rights, Education and Protection Project (REAP) II Evaluation” via Zoom Communication Video (UNICEF, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand
  • 15 APCD joined Webinar: Protecting and Empowering Persons with Disabilities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (UN ESCAP, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand   
  • 15 APCD joined Webinar on "Digital Advocacy" (UN Woman, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 18 APCD had a meeting with the representatives from Sarthak Educational Trust, India for potential collaboration via Zoom video communication (India, Thailand) Flag India Flag Thailand 
  • 29 APCD Internal Capacity Development on "Knowledge and Experiences on Disability Inclusive Business" (Thailand) Flag Thailand  

April  2020

  • 15 APCD joined an online meeting of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UN Women Asia-Pacific Regional Office/ESCAP on the topic “The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and related responses” (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 15 APCD participated in the UNICEF Rights, Education and Protection Programme (REAP) evaluation as Reference Group (RG), first virtual meeting (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 17 APCD In-House Capacity Development Training on Youth Leadership (Thailand) Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 23 Online Meeting on Future Direction and Brainstorming among ASEAN Autism Network Executive Committee Members, Network Secretariat, Representatives from London School Centre for Autism Awareness and ASEAN Secretariat (ASEAN, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) Flag Asean Cambodia Flag Indonesia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar  Flag Philippines Flag Thailand Flag Vietnam       

March 2020

  •  1-4 APCD Resource Persons for Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) workshop organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) (third time) (Thailand) Flag Thailand
  • 3 Visit by UNDP Resident Representatives, Mr. Renaud Meyer and staff to APCD for future collaboration on “Building the Resilience of Persons with Disabilities to Cope with Climate Change in the Asia Pacific Region” (UN, Thailand)  Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 6 The Social Development and Human Security Minister and the Director General of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) visit APCD 60+ Plus Bakery and Chocolate Café (Thailand) Flag Thailand 
  • 15 APCD joins Dao Ruang gathering (Self-Advocate Group of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Thailand) on implementing a monthly activity (Thailand) Flag Thailand
  • 26 Online meeting with ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Chairperson, Yayasan Autisma Indonesia (YAI) and London School Center for Autism Awareness (LSCAA), (Indonesia, Thailand) Flag Indonesia Flag Thailand 

February 2020

  • 2 APCD Pays Courtesy Call to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (Thailand) Flag Thailand
  • 14 APCD Conducts Bakery Workshop for Students with Special Needs from Thai-Japanese Association School (TJAS) (Japan, Thailand)  Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 15 APCD Co-organizes Dog Therapy Programme on the theme "Love Is All Around" in Collaboration with Bertram (1958) Co. Ltd at Mint Dog Yard (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 16 APCD Joins Dao Ruang Group (Self-Advocate Group of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities) Workshop on Future Plans (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 17 APCD conducts training to the Yamazaki Company Employees on "Understanding Persons with Disabilities" (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 17 Study Visit of Pasona Heartful Inc. from Japan to APCD (Japan, Thailand)  Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 18 Study Visit of Occupational Therapist (OT) from the Department of Global Health, Japan to APCD (Japan, Thailand  Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 18 APCD Meets with the Representative from UNFPA for Future Collaboration at 60 plus Bakery & Chocolate Café (UN, Thailand) Flag UN Flag Thailand 
  • 18-21 APCD Joins as a Resource Person on Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) Workshop Organized by the Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 24-27 APCD Resource Persons for Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) workshop organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEP) (second time) (Thailand)  Flag Thailand
  • 28 APCD In-House Capacity Development Training (Thailand)  Flag Thailand

January 2020

  • 13-16 APCD Mission to Myanmar for Final Evaluation under ASEAN Autism Mapping Project (Myanmar, Thailand)   Flag Myanmar Flag Thailand 
  • 14-16 APCD attends the Asia- Pacific Regional Workshop on Providing Rights-Based and Gender Responsive Services for Women and Young People with Disabilities (UN, Thailand) Flag UN Flag Thailand  
  • 20 APCD provides training to Peerapat Technology Public Company Limited on "Understanding Persons with Disabilities" (Thailand) Flag Thailand  
  • 24 APCD bids farewell to Ms Siti Nur Diyana Mohd Alipah, an intern from Nagasaki University, Japan (Japan, Thailand) Flag Japan Flag Thailand 
  • 25-29 APCD promotes the Disability Inclusive Sports (DIS) for Tomorrow in the ASEAN Countries (Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam) Flag Philippines Flag ThailandFlag JapanCambodia Flag Lao PDR Flag Malaysia Flag Myanmar Flag Vietnam