APCD conducted an in-house training on Disability Inclusion in China by an on-site intern student and completed the final presentation on 24 July 2024, Bangkok.
Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, presented the certificate of completion and an appreciation letter to Ms. Menghan Wu (Valora), student intern from China.

Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, presented the certificate of completion and an appreciation letter to Ms. Menghan Wu (Valora), student intern from China.


Ms. Valora presented on Disability Inclusion in China.

Ms. Valora presented on Disability Inclusion in China.


APCD staff listened and gave her questions and comments on her final presentation.

APCD staff listened and gave her questions and comments on her final presentation.


Mr. Piroon congratulated Ms. Valora on her successful completion of the internship program at APCD.

Mr. Piroon congratulated Ms. Valora on her successful completion of the internship program at APCD.


A group photo highlighting Ms. Valora, Mr. Piroon Laismit, and APCD staff.

A group photo highlighting Ms. Valora, Mr. Piroon Laismit, and APCD staff.
