On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA
On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA

JICA and APCD Strengthen Partnership for Inclusive Development! 

In a significant engagement, Mr. Sugita Shigehiko, Director of Southeast Asia Division 4 of the Southeast Asia Pacific Department at JICA Headquarters, together with Mr. KAWABE Ryoichi, Senior Representative of JICA Thailand Office, visited the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD). The visit included a cordial meeting with Mr. Piroon Laismit, Executive Director of APCD. They also visited the APCD 60+Plus Bakery & Cafe.

This high-level interaction underscores the ongoing commitment to international cooperation in disability-inclusive development. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for both organizations to reaffirm their shared goals and explore potential avenues for future collaboration.

On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA

On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA

On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA

On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA

On 15 July 2024, APCD had the honor of hosting guests from JICA
