The Final presentation and Certificate ceremony for the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Internship 2023 programme was held on Wednesday the 5th, April 2023.
The Final presentation and Certificate ceremony for the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Internship 2023 programme was held on Wednesday the 5th, April 2023.

At the APCD Administrative building, Mr. Pitiphat Pitawanik delivered a captivating final presentation, covering his motivation for undertaking the internship, his goals, notable contributions, activities, and lessons learned, along with valuable suggestions.


At the APCD Administrative building, Mr. Pitiphat Pitawanik delivered a captivating final presentation, covering his motivation for undertaking the internship, his goals, notable contributions, activities, and lessons learned, along with valuable suggestions.

In addition to his final presentation, Mr. Pitiphat had the privilege of displaying his internship poster, which prior to this was presented at Mahidol University International College.


During the three-month duration of the internship, Mr. Pitiphat and APCD benefited from each other, exchanging valuable knowledge, skills, and ideas that contributed to their mutual success.

During the three-month duration of the internship, Mr. Pitiphat and APCD benefited from each other, exchanging valuable knowledge, skills, and ideas that contributed to their mutual success.


Lastly, during the meeting, Executive Director Mr. Piroon Laismit provided invaluable insights and advice to the intern, expressing his gratitude for the intern's contribution to the program. He also expressed his desire to see more young individuals like Mr. Pitiphat actively participating in such programs.

Lastly, during the meeting, Executive Director Mr. Piroon Laismit provided invaluable insights and advice to the intern, expressing his gratitude for the intern's contribution to the program. He also expressed his desire to see more young individuals like Mr. Pitiphat actively participating in such programs.
