APCD and JICA implemented the 2nd online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator on April 19, 2024.
APCD and JICA implemented the 2nd online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator on April 19, 2024.

APCD and JICA implemented the 2nd online schooling for the Disability Equality Training (DET) facilitator on April 19, 2024.


DET tutors and the APCD operator team received feedback from participants.

DET tutors and the APCD operator team received feedback from participants.


Dr. Kenji Kuno, APCD disability and development advisor and JICA senior advisor, introduced DET FT Module 2.

Dr. Kenji Kuno, APCD disability and development advisor and JICA senior advisor, introduced DET FT Module 2.
