Visit by the Senior Vice President of JICA Headquarters to APCD for an update on future collaboration on 16 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand.

Information was shared regarding APCD's implementation of Disability-Inclusive Development, and APCD's understanding of the significant of inclusive planning and sustainable disability inclusion programs was updated.


2.	Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, presented Ms. Sachiko Imoto, Senior Vice President of JICA Headquarters, with APEC Chocolate OEM sets produced by individuals with disabilities.

Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, presented Ms. Sachiko Imoto, Senior Vice President of JICA Headquarters, with APEC Chocolate OEM sets produced by individuals with disabilities.


3.	Dr. Kenji Kuno, Advisor on Disability Inclusion, described JICA and APCD's cooperation workplan.

Dr. Kenji Kuno, Advisor on Disability Inclusion, described JICA and APCD's cooperation workplan.


After the discussion, representatives from JICA and APCD posed for a group photo.

After the discussion, representatives from JICA and APCD posed for a group photo.


5.	Visitors interacted with disability-friendly businesses at the APCD's 60+ Plus Bakery, Chocolate Café, and 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP during a guided tour.

Visitors interacted with disability-friendly businesses at the APCD's 60+ Plus Bakery, Chocolate Café, and 60+ Plus Kitchen by CP during a guided tour.


Checking the accessibility of the APCD Training Building while touring its facilities

Checking the accessibility of the APCD Training Building while touring its facilities


Group photo in front of APCD Administration building

Group photo in front of APCD Administration building
