Persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups are at higher risk of death, injury and additional impairments, because of exclusion from disaster risk reduction policies, plans and programs. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015-2030 support that perspectives of persons with diverse disabilities should be integrated into and their participation should be ensured at all decision-making processing concerning all stages of disaster risk reduction.
To contribute to providing solutions to this issue, APCD has included a new section on our website in order to share useful information on Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR). We would like to disseminate good practices for families and communities to effectively cope and respond, and to build up resilient future.
We also believe there are many good practices in many countries and communities which could share their lessons learned which will be of benefit and knowledge creation for other areas and countries. We invite all good practices and lessons learned to be shared in our website. The following email addresses: and are ready to receive them. We would be happy to select the appropriate ones to share on our website.
- E-Learning: Learning on Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction – UNESCAP
- Guidebook: Regional Guide for Schools to Prepare for Tsunamis – UNDP
- Tool kit: Tsunami Evacuation during COVID-19: A Guide for School Administrators - UNDP
- Guideline: National Guidelines for Tsunami Evacuation in Thailand (Thai language) - UNDP
- UNDP Tsunami Story Books (English, Thai, Japanese) - UNDP
- Feel. See. Hear. Run. Toolkit for Tsunami Preparedness - UNDP -
(Thai Language): National Guidelines for Tsunami Evacuation (Thai) - UNDP Thailand.
(Thai Language): Strengthening School Preparedness for Tsunamis in Thailand - UNDP Thailand.
- When disasters strike, people with disabilities must not be left behind - UNDRR
- 2023 Global Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters - UNDRR
- Inclusive participation of persons with disabilities in emergency preparedness and response practice guide - WFP
- Collecting disability disaggregated data in disaster risk reduction: Findings and lessons learned - Christian Blind Mission Centre for Disability in Development -
- 5 key areas of action in implementing DiDRR - Disability inclusive DRR Network
- 5 Key Ways to Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction - Disability inclusive DRR Network -
- Building resilient cities: Almaty's commitment to inclusion and Disaster Risk Reduction - UNDRR Regional office for Europe & Central Asia (Kazakhstan)
- UNFPA Marks World Humanitarian Day 2024: Strengthening Community Resilience and Dignity for Pacific Women and Girls - UNFPA (Pacific ilands)
- Disasters and disabilities: The overlooked crisis - The Sentinel (India)
- Disaster management in Japan needs a more gender-inclusive approach. Here's why - World Economic Forum (Japan) -
APCD News:
- APCD and Association for the Mentally ILL of Thailand (AMIT) participated the Launch of UN ESCAP Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction E-Learning Tool in Kathmandu, Nepal on 24-28 June 2024.
- APCD conducted Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) training at the Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf on 11 July 2024.