New Year 2021 Message by Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director “Wish that the New Year be a messenger of joy, happiness, peace, good health and strong tidings for you, your family and your community” HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021

New Year 2021 Message by
H.E. Dr. Tej Bunnag, President of APCD Foundation
On behalf of the Foundation of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation), I would like to express our sincere appreciation to the partners and stakeholders working together to empower persons with disabilities (PWDs) and promote a barrier-free society in the Asia-Pacific region.
Since 2002, APCD has developed networking and collaboration with more than 30 countries, approximately 200 associated organizations, and over 3,000 training alumni on human resource development in the Asia-Pacific region.
In 2020, we have confronted the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, APCD utilized these resources to develop our activities through virtual platforms and face-to-face cooperation in 2 main contexts:
(1) Through networking and collaboration, APCD continues to empower organizations of persons with disabilities to realize their health potential and social participation to be more effective and sustainable “Agents of Change” in their communities.
(2) Through Disability Inclusive Business (DIB), APCD promotes economic empowerment and productive quality of life of persons with disabilities via the APCD 60+Plus Project series among APCD’s business partner cooperation.
APCD strongly believes that by using the DIB approach, persons with disabilities can live independently with dignity.
On 7 August 2020, His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister, honored APCD by officially presiding at the opening ceremony of the new branch of APCD 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café at Government House of Thailand in line with the government’s policy “Leave No One Behind” and in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
Wherever there are opportunities for future cooperation, APCD would like to extend them to all our stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific Region.
APCD will continue to promote both domestic and regional cooperation to Governments, Disabled People Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Non-governmental Organizations as well as business corporations.
On this auspicious occasion, I wish to convey season's greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year. We are confident that our collaboration will continue to grow in the coming year and in the years to come.
Discussion of updates on the previous collaboration and the preparation for implementing regional activities between DEP and APCD
A token of appreciation, a chocolate box-set made by Thai staff with disabilities at the Chocolate Cafe Department, was presented to Ms. Saranpat Anumatrajkij, the new Director General, DEP. Ms. Saranpat is also a former APCD Executive Director (2004 – 2006).
Touring of APCD Executive Director and the new Director General of DEP at the 60+Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café
Ms. Saranpat gave a basket of New Year gifts to Mr. Piroon for the happy festive season.
More than 180 representatives from international Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) played a role in empowering persons with disabilities gathered to congratulate the awards at the event.
As an international representative on disability development, Mr. Somchai Rungsilp, Community Development Department Manager, delivered an empowering address for the event.
Talented performance by persons with disabilities from India.
Introduction of a new Project team member, Ms. Kristy Sinclair-Lombardo from Australia as online internship program will involve all process of project implementation.
Questionnaires and Manual on friendly physical activities for persons with special needs during COVID-19 were reviewed by Ms. Kristy to the Japanese Resource Persons, and the meeting was facilitated by Mr. Watcharapol Cheungcharoen, Chief of APCD Networking & Collaboration.
Thirty (30) participants from the autism community in ASEAN countries and Japan, including representatives from ASEAN Secretariat, Social Development Division-ESCAP, AAN Executive Board Members, AAN associated member, LSCAA, and APCD joined the first Virtual Congress.
Speech of congratulations on the accreditation of AAN as entity association with ASEAN by Mr. Romeo Jr. Abad Arca, Assistant Director of Community Relation Division, Community Affairs Directorate, ASEAN Community & Corporate Affairs Department, ASEAN Secretariat.
Official handover ceremony of AAN chairperson from Indonesia to Malaysia.
Farewell message by the former AAN chairperson (2018 - 2020), Dr. Adriana Ginanjar from Indonesia.
Commitment message by the new AAN chairperson (2020 - 2022), Mr. Cason Ong Tzsechun from Malaysia who is the new head of the Executive Committee.
AAN flag and AAN leader’s role at the official hand over of the AAN chairmanship from Indonesia to Malaysia.
Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director and former AAN Secretary General, shared with the General Assembly how AAN 10 years' accomplishment managed by APCD working with AAN country members brought about more than 20 achievements to the ASEAN Autism Community and the world at large.
Ms. Prita Kemal Gani, new AAN Secretary General from LSCAA, committed to do her best in her AAN secretariat role to continue what APCD has accomplished.
Official handover of AAN Secretariat from Thailand to Indonesia.
Dr. Sawae Yukinori, representative from Autism Society of Japan/ Associated member of AAN, shared experiences from Japan on project involvement with persons with special needs during COVID-19 pandemic.
Ms. Aiko Akiyama, Representative from SDD-UNESCAP, encouraged AAN country members to exchange good practices on keeping children with special needs safe from COVID-19, and congratulated AAN on 10th anniversary achievements.
Mr. Somchai Rungsilp, APCD Community Development Department Manager and Former AAN Secretariat team, presented an outlook on ASEAN autism community for the next decade of AAN.
Background of AAN was presented by Mr. Dennis Aung, Chairperson of Fund Raising and Sponsorship Committee from Singapore, on exchanging on AAN’s 10th anniversary.
The main contents consist of 10th AAN anniversary, the formal as entity association with ASEAN official handover ceremony of AAN secretariat from Thailand to Indonesia, chairmanship handover ceremony to AAN country member in Malaysia, AAN forward to next decade and empowering Autism community in ASEAN to cope with COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, briefed about APCD regional activities and APCD 60+plus projects to visitors led by Pol. Maj. Gen. Rungrote Thakurapunyasiri, Commander of the Immigration Division 3.
Mr. Piroon described APCD 60+plus projects' implementation for promoting job and income for the group in line with the government’s policy “Leave No One Behind”.
The token of appreciation, a chocolate box-set made by Thai persons with disabilities, was presented to Pol. Maj. Gen. Rungroten and his team.
Feedback on future collaboration with the Immigration Office by Mr. Piroon Laismith, Executive Director of APCD.
More than 20 staff led by Mr. John Aylieff, Regional Director of Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific, participated in this internal capacity building training.
Ms. Supaanong (NuNu) Panyasirimongkol, Networking & Collaboration Officer, shared direct experiences on emerging symptoms during emergency times in perspectives of an invisible disability.
A pot of tuberous begonia was presented to Ms. Supaanong (NuNu) as an appreciation from the World Food Programme Office.
Ms. NuNu Supaanong had a photo opportunity in front of the offices with two liaisons of the in-house training, Ms. Julie Macdonald, Regional Gender Advisor, and Mr. Tyler Kretzschmar, Consultant on Disability.
Mr. Pascal Laroche, Country Chair & General Manager and his management team of TOTAL Oil, Thailand donated 20,000 Thai Baht to Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, for promoting employment of Thai persons with disabilities.
Mr. Piroon explained background of Disability-Inclusive Business to the visitors at 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Café.
Ms. Nongnuch Maytarjittipun, Executive Secretary to the Executive Director, clarified the importance of accessibility and user-friendly designs at APCD training center.
Group photo of visitors from TOTAL Oil (Thailand) Co. Ltd., and APCD staff in front of APCD's CP Kitchen project.
Chairman of APCD Executive Board, Dr. Tej Bunnag, had a photo opportunity with Mr. Pascal and his staff at the café.
Group photo of 50 participants including staff, executive team leader from PPT, resource persons and APCD staff.
Board Management of Pandora Production Co., Ltd., Mr. Claus Rasmussen, Vice President, Human Resource & Communication and Mr. Jeerasage Puranasamriddhi, Chief Supply Officer & Managing Director to PPT, presented gifts to Mr. Piroon Laismit, APCD Executive Director, and his staff.
Mr. Jirasret Buranasumrit and staff learning to make bread with the help of 60+ Plus Bakery, and Chocolate Café bakery kitchen staff
Mr. Patchara Promdee, bakery shop expert demonstrated how to make wiener rolls.
Participants paid attention making wiener rolls.
Participants who are hard of hearing were proud of their bakery craftmanship.