APCD representatives attended Autism-Inclusive Tourism in the National Autism Consciousness Week organized by Autism Society of Philippines (ASP) on 21 January 2021

This autism sensitivity and tourism education webinar was facilitated by Ms. Mona Magno-Veluz, National President, Autism Society Philippines.
More than 200 representatives from organizations - including representatives from international organizations - working with/for the Autism Society in Philippines participated in the webinar.
Ms. Supaanong Panyasirimongkol, Networking & Collaboration Officer, recommended promoting a good practice of certified places on tourism inclusion in ASEAN.
Discussion points on challenges, tips and best practices for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tourists were presented by Ms. Erlinda Koe, Chair Emerita, Autism Society Philippines/Chairperson of Public Relations and Information Committee.